SE-devloper1: ok, this is a realy good scroll but low level, what should we do about it.
SE-devloper2: do what we do with most good- yet low level scrolls.. make a quest for it! :D
SE-devloper1: ok. lets make it kinda dificalt. but anybody low level can do it!
SE-devloper2: how are we gonna do that?
SE-devloper1: how else? where se.. lets juts make a pain in the a$$ quest that requires all of 1 thing thats hard to assemble... mabe a party of people wearing one peace of armor or something...
SE-devloper2: GENIUS! but thats too easy... this deserves better then that!
SE-devloper1: yea. your right. all same nation for 1rst part. and same RACE for second part. that will insure those damn galka won't get there hands on this baby!
it requires rank 3 fame, not rank 3 nation, and lvl 10 job, they PL a new mule to 10, PL fame for cheap, do the quest, delete the mule and go again, that would be my guess
Just got this off of Vuu Puqu the Beguiler and another from a Yagudo Piper. Must have changed it in yesterdays update or the Wiki is just that far behind on the times.