easily soloed @ 75, and you can farm ladybugs inbetween pops. 4 wings = 3000gil to npc in south sandy (s) (repeatable quest, just keep trading them in)
wings are closer to 40% drop
I think the droprate on the scroll is 10% or below on the orc neckchopers in east ronfare (had TH3 when begin farming and have TH4 recently). out of the many many times I've killed them I think I've gotten roughly 5-7 scrolls. I know I've killed them over 75 times.
These orcs (not just neckchopers are also good for farming gold beast coins from successful steals)
killed 2 neckchoppers in East Ronfaure (S) and got 2 scrolls, i recomend farming this instead of paying the 44k
2008-08-14 19:57:15
Asura.CannibalcorpseScore: -1
Either Rander was in pt to get 2 scrolls or just terrible at lying. Either way got this on second Orc kill. But i'm sure it'll be awhile b4 this drops for me again!