Distilled Water

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Distilled Water   stack
This water has been purified by a distillation process.
Root » Food » Ingredients
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Stock 0
Stack Price 10,000 (10,000 per)
Rate Very Slow (0.084 sold/day)
Median 2,000
Max 35,000,000
Min 1,000
Average 704,300
Last 10,000
Price History
8 Days Ago10,000
13 Days Ago2,000
18 Days Ago2,000
1 Months Ago2,000
GilPrice History6/38/1310/112/222/30M10M20M30M40MExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Vendor Prices
Name Zone Price
Leillaine Upper Jeuno 10 - 13 gil
Yoskolo Lower Jeuno 10 - 13 gil
Leyla Port Jeuno 10 - 13 gil
Benaige Southern San d'Oria 10 - 13 gil
Cletae Southern San d'Oria Guild Merchant
Kueh Igunahmori Southern San d'Oria Guild Merchant
Shilah Southern San d'Oria 10 - 13 gil
Boncort Northern San d'Oria 10 - 13 gil
Croumangue Port San d'Oria 10 - 13 gil
Scamplix Rabao 10 - 13 gil
Pahya Lolohoiv Kazham 10 - 13 gil
Pikini-Mikini Mhaura 10 - 13 gil
Sawyer Port Bastok 10 - 13 gil
Melloa Port Bastok 10 - 13 gil
Griselda Bastok Mines 10 - 13 gil
Odoba Bastok Mines Guild Merchant
Maymunah Bastok Mines Guild Merchant
Taajiji Windurst Waters 10 - 13 gil
Ness Rugetomal Windurst Waters 10 - 13 gil
Wije Tiren Windurst Woods 10 - 13 gil
Dohdjuma Selbina 10 - 13 gil
Tomasa Metalworks 10 - 13 gil
Komalata Tavnazian Safehold 10 - 13 gil
Gavrie Aht Urhgan Whitegate 10 - 13 gil
Price History (25)
Mar. 18, 2025ShilisSaneris10,000
Mar. 13, 2025RuphillaSlibby2,000
Mar. 8, 2025SeydlitzIlmestys2,000
Feb. 16, 2025MissmissySilvaxerker2,000
Feb. 3, 2025SilversablesPahya1,000
Jan. 14, 2025MenjimpaymariiiMenneo35,000,000
Dec. 29, 2024DosisiSlingis1,000
Dec. 28, 2024OsinMightytrog1,000
Dec. 26, 2024NordishenduoXyrex1,000
Dec. 22, 2024NordishensiebenLaisteinsight1,000
Comments (9)
Lakshmi.Chewzer[Report] Score: 14
Wow... "great profit"?

You must be pretty hard up for gil if you're attempting to make your fortune from selling water.
2008-04-13 17:31:03
Shiva.Izmac[Report] Score: 11
Or.. you could always make yourself a water tank.^^ 40 stacks for one water cluster.. Yes please.
Not to mention the fact that there is a list of the Vendors, right on this page.. lol
2007-09-19 23:50:43
Leviathan.Tyzach[Report] Score: 6
I realize that it may seem easy to buy this off the AH, but you are getting screwed if you do. There are 3 vendors in Jeuno that sell it for about 10 gil a pop. that's 120 gil a stack, much better than any AH sale.
2007-06-06 11:31:41
Fenrir.Mauddib[Report] Score: 3
This is what I call AH filler. I don't do it often, but i hate not having my AH selling something. So if i'm often bored, and want to pick up a high markup on something incredibly cheap that sells reasonibly fast... this is the ticket. I've sold my stacks in the day... easy way to keep your AH or a Mules AH productive if you don't have anything better to sell.
2009-08-28 00:54:18
Bahamut.Xerius[Report] Score: 0
I'm trying to figure out which AH you're at where there the vendor that sells Distilled Water for 3 gil is far enough away that it's worth not walking to, to buy it from... it's gotta be Rabao or Kazham right?

Placing a mule with distilled water at half price there. >:D
2022-12-24 09:15:28
Bismarck.Bendarik[Report] Score: -4
The whole Vana'diel economy is screwy; mostly because the younger players (non-working types) don't get the concept. They'll pay whatever they need to get what they want because it's not real.

No offense, but who pays 1K gil for an common item when a stack goes for half that.

just my $.02
2007-08-27 01:38:23
Valefor.Quthbert[Report] Score: -5
Ssshhh.... This is a great profit for thoes of us who sell it on the AH.
2007-06-19 05:58:12
Phoenix.Rosalyn Show Score: -14
if you buy a stack at 13 thats 156 gil, selling it at 1k makes a profit of 844, less the tax, and on average you only sell 5.3 a day. Better off selling your crystals while you level
2007-11-01 23:38:20
Fairy.Kalan Show Score: -23
2k come on please its distilled water... To bad I had to have it other wise I would have said forget it.
2008-07-09 08:38:49
Screenshots (3)
id:1 Alchemy (3)
Water Crystal0
Wijnruit x33,0000.01
San D'Or. Grape x37,5000.03
Distilled Water8330.82
Total Cost12,333
Antidote x12414820,0007,6670.10
id:2 Alchemy (3)
Water Crystal0
San D'Or. Grape2,5000.03
Distilled Water8330.82
Total Cost4,333
Antidote x441486,6672,3330.10
id:3 Alchemy (4)
Dark Crystal0
Win. Tea Leaves x22,0000.04
Distilled Water8330.82
Total Cost10,333
Black Ink x892940,00029,6671.94
id:4 Alchemy (4)
Dark Crystal0
Willow Log10,0000.05
Distilled Water8330.82
Cone Calamary x28000.00
Total Cost11,633
Black Ink x892940,00028,3671.94
id:5 Alchemy (4)
Dark Crystal0
Willow Log10,0000.05
Distilled Water8330.82
Total Cost18,333
Black Ink x492920,0001,6671.94