This three-layered rice cake has been
molded into a diamond shape. The
coloring used in the layers has
medicinal properties.
MP+17 VIT+2 INT+3 MND+1
"Resist Silence"+4
HP and MP recovered while healing +2
The stats are mediocre but this is my food of preference for most BLM situations. It provides both HMP and +INT like Melon Pie+1 but at a fraction of the cost. The +MND and Evasion and Resist Silence probably won't come into effect but for the price, these are very useful.
u lose ALOT of money period. even if u happen to HQ all 12 crafts u still lose in the range of 40k+. which is why i just did cursed soup and the occasional red curry from lv 95 up. u can always farm them but then your still losing money because they are still worth watever they are worth.
I don't think the stats are mediocre i say this is the best food out for the price for a whm/nin for campain battles with this food i would have to say i have been geting about an extra 15% xp less rest time and less chance of dieing with the evasion its great i make for myself and use on campain battles all you crafters with whm/nin use it