I got one yesterday by running around a lot, took me about an hour and went 1/75 but it can be found at any Mining Point in the zone, the Mining Points are on the mid sized rocks that are scattered around, not the big pointy ones that are on the map. hope this helps. UPDATE, DO NOT BUY THIS FROM PEOPLES BAZAAR you must mine your own, tested with a few friends after i mined 2 more, she will not accept a traded or bought Nugget. You must mine your own
This is also used in the Scout's Coalition Rank 4 (Contributor) Mission for Component Analysis for Morimar Basalt Fields. 1 imprimatur will yield 1250 xp. These can be acquired by any means to complete this mission.
you have to activate the quest first THEN mine the nugget from a mining point. i mined one up first on a mule then activated and she wouldn't accept it, so i mined up another one and was able to turn that one in for the key item "Demolition."
Someone on BG said this can be mined in Moh Gates. I'm skeptical, having used my mule army to destroy the barriers and gone through 16 stacks of pickaxes there to no avail.
A screenshot would be awesome if anyone reading this page has gotten/gets one in there.
The mining points move about if not mined. I see this yesterday when I was fatigued and could not mine the spot I was at in the middle area. The mining point moved after about 5 minutes. This means you could quite unhappily camp one spot with 5+ other people and wait for the point to spawn.
After the 4/2/13 emergency update this spot stays on accessible areas from the entrance with no Colonization Reives to go through. Your best bet is to pick a spot and wait for it to pop up in front of you. Don't worry about other people there, your biggest threat is how fast fatigue will set in trying to get it.