I'm probably missing something, but why make these cells instead of just making the gear sellable? Isn't this more effort than necessary? I promise that I'm not trying to be a shock jock, just don't understand the logic.
Why are people rating down Josiahfk's post? When he says 65% he means capped 50% potency in gear + the guaranteed 15% weather bonus from using aurorstorm + korin obi and twilight cape. Heka's allows sch to cap potency with just magian staff, hekas, nares trews and either augur's gloves or the serpentes set (serp set you would have for idle anyway) making it the most efficient option.
The WHMs(not other job ppl) stupid enough to pay over 3m per cell are also the ones not smart enough to use the body piece correctly, meaning most will full time it instead of just using for the precast in which case the AH HQ is a few % less fc which caps easily, not to mention its the price of 1 cell..