Asura.Lileth "I didn't say these cells were going to sell for 5M each. I said that unless they sold for that amount, you will make more gil on average farming Qilin for pouches than farming Pil for single plates and Pulse Cells: To. I stand by that comment and by my math."
Would you buy a Toci's Harness at 25 mil? Probably not, then why would you sell it at 25 mil? A Toci's Harness is NOT worth 25 mil, sorry to break sellers hearts. 15 max.
I used to have an analysis posted here of how much a Pulse Cell: To will have to sell for to make farming Pil for it worth your while, compared to just farming Qilins for metal plates. That price was 5M back when metal plates sold for a bit more.
I didn't know that a correct mathematical analysis of the economics of a situation is just a "rant" that would be found offensive and get my comment rated down. I apologize and promise to abstain from posting more math here.
Got a player named Jaco buying these off the AH for the sole purpose of selling them in his bazaar for an increased price. Don't buy them from him, just be patient and you'll get them for normal price soon enough. Don't help *** like him.