Bookworm's Cape

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DEF:13 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 Magic Damage+10 Elemental magic skill +8 Dark magic skill +8
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Comments (2)
Asura.Voevode[Report] Score: 1
Best nuking back for SCH, MAB +10 + 8 macc in skill for Elemental Nukes/Kaustra. With the raised MEVA cap, will be very nice to have that accuracy.

For stuns/other dark magic (aside from drain/aspir), this is a fairly high accuracy piece, for now only topped by Ogapepo Cape/+1 at 10/11 Macc.
2013-07-12 22:08:42
Valefor.Oxt[Report] Score: -1
Drops from high-tier Reives & Wildkeepers Reives.

Makel-Pakel in Celennia Memorial Library (F-10) in Eastern Adoulin will exchange you the JSE cape of your choice for any 3 JSE capes.

•Makel-Pakel will not let adventurers receive any of the capes or mantles they just traded him

2014-03-18 14:14:16
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