While i know little of NIN and Blade: Hi, This is actually a great Evasion ring, If simply because of the Added AGI on top of the Eva. Can just pair it with Heed when you really need that Evasion.
I know many wont feel this way but this ring does rival our level 35 ring Rajas. Rajas is STR 5 DEX 5 STP 5 SBT BLOW 5. This ring is essentially STR 6 DEX 4 AGI 4 STP 2 and EVA 3 which could be calculated as EVA 5 with the AGI. It would be useful on jobs that don't NEED the additional 3 STP. 5 Subtle Blow would be missed on jobs with little to no Subtle Blow. Just pointing out that this ring is a lot better than what appears at first glance. The extra constant evasion is nice.