Eminent Pole

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Eminent Pole   Rare Ex
[Main] All Races
DPS: 2776 DMG:186 Delay:402 MP+85 Staff skill +215 Parrying skill +215 Magic Accuracy skill +167 Avatar: "Magic Atk. Bonus"+108 Latent effect: Avatar: Magic Accuracy+10 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+114
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Comments (3)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 3
Latent effect, Like all Eminent weaponry, is TP under 100% (and during wS).

In this weapons case, the Summoners TP is all that needs to be below 100, not the avatars.

Though apparently there is a lovely glitch/bug with this weapon and Hagondes Boots right now, Testing compliments of BG and this guy:

2013-12-13 23:29:39
Asura.Melbufrauma[Report] Score: 2
Can be purchased from Eternal Flame @ H-11 Western Adoulin (Mog House Wayoint) for 7000 Sparks.
2013-12-11 02:10:54
Sylph.Naturebeckles[Report] Score: -5
Would like to know what the latent effect is...
2013-12-13 22:22:33
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