Love this thing, it's like your personal tool to deal with any jobs that can use it. A must have, either by collecting the ingredients that Hsieh provided, or buying a completed blade. All in all however, definitely worth the trouble getting.
I would only use this for transitioning to either Aettir or the AA GS. It held the top seat for a while, but with the 119 options out now, Senbaak fell behind. Hence why it's only going for roughly 400k instead of 2-3mil like I remember.
Nevertheless if you get your hands on one, it's still a great weapon for the jobs that can use it, and I have personally hit 8k+ Resolutions (and a 6.7k Dimidiation) before I got my Aettir. Now that was damage as RUN, I'd like to see how much higher you could hit Resolution while on buffed DRK.
Buyers beware, if you buy it, understand there might not be anyone who wants to buy it off of you
On a more serious note: Great weapon if you can either get the money to buy it, or the crafts for someone to make you one. It's totally worth getting, and the best part is that it isn't Rare/Ex, so you'll be able to do whatever you please with it.
well this is not that rare in my server I'm just terrible at making money so I'm not likely to get one for Rune Fencer few a few months to say the least but most likely they will release something else even more bad *** before then that is easier to get like Ixtab but a GS.