Octave Club

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Octave Club   Rare Ex
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DPS: 250 DMG:11 Delay:264
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Comments (18)
Hades.Tigster[Report] Score: 6
Myself not being able to afford a KC managed to get one of these and while leveling NIN and PLD was able to enjoy battering stuff KC style in campaign etc when i was lv 72. good times.

I do wish SE would make it a proper ra/ex KC though withought the devidable by 8 latent but hell cant have everything i guess^^
2008-06-29 05:55:41
Hades.Amnesia[Report] Score: 6
With the soon to be rise in level cap this will become even more powerful as it will work @lv80/88/96.
2010-03-15 12:03:59
Fenrir.Viperouskaos[Report] Score: 4
ZONE: Labyrinth of Onzozo- NM: Lord of Onzozo

Lottery Spawn from the single Flying Manta at (H-8), most commonly every 18-24 hours. Window opens 16 hours after last death. Confirmed it can take over 38 hours.
DROPS: Octave Club "8%"
also drops 100% shells no one gives a ***about!
Anyhow. OCTAVE CLUB HIDDEN AFFECT : Occasionally attacks two to eight times if your Main Job level is divisible by 8 (level 64, 72, & 80).
Occasionally attacks twice if your Main Job level is divisible by 2 (66, 68, 70, 74, 76, & 78 excluding 64, 72 & 80).
2010-08-24 12:13:49
Gilgamesh.Hercule[Report] Score: 2
The maximum number of attacks in one melee round is 8, regardless of Dual Wield or other traits. For example, Dual Wielding a Kraken Club and a Ridill cannot yield 11 attacks in one round.

2008-09-24 19:01:20
Quetzalcoatl.Itikuo[Report] Score: 1
Simple Break Down

Dual Weild = proc rates multiplied by 2

Attacks Per Round Max = 8

Higher chances of 8 hits per attack round by using both simply because each has a 25% chance of 4 hits = 50% chance of 8 hits in 1 attack round.

As opposed to wielding one and having a 2% chance of attacking 8 times in a single attack round.

Effectively increasing the output of a DRK Zerg upwards of 12.5 times the output.
2010-09-21 12:16:47
Asura.Justuas[Report] Score: 0
useless in level 99...
2017-08-07 05:11:17
Shiva.Elensar[Report] Score: -1
If you dont care about DRK as a "main job" you can build a sweet zerg build around one of these at level 72 DRK.
2009-06-02 19:50:05
Midgardsormr.Sephoroth[Report] Score: -6
yes it works under level sync as long as its 64 or 72 to get the 2-8X, 66 68 70 74 only hit 2X, the rest are 1 hit only
2009-03-24 10:26:21
Bahamut.Zorander[Report] Score: -8
Fail fail fail..

I dont know what SE was thinking when they decided to make this item suck so hard. SE has turned lots and lots of drops from NM's into RareEx and the only thing that differs is the name, everything else has stayed the same. But with the kraken one of the most sought after items in the game they decide hey lets make this a peice of poop..im sure ppl will love that. Way to go!

Kraken Club = Awesomness
Octave Club= Literally a waste of space except when you are 64 or 72..and to answer that other dudes question it hits once @75 and twice @74.
2009-01-09 18:28:46
Ragnarok.Rdub[Report] Score: -9
if i got one of these i would just make level sync PT's all day long. esp for a job that doesn't get many merit PT's like thf ect.
and if you dual wield KC/OC
i'm pretty sure you can never get more than 8.
but you would never get 16 i am sure.
2008-09-23 05:44:08
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