Base damage is ok but other axes beat it or get very close to it. Tonatiuh (69~79), Guichard's (69) and Charmer's (68) are an example.
This could do for a BST who gears mostly to benefit his pet while still maintaining a decent Haste setup to melee with. Then again, such a BST would be better off using a Magian Axe with pet augments.
Buy it if you like it. Just remember magian Axes will keep going up with the next level increase and this one won't.
This piece allows a bst to cap haste WHILE still having max haste on pet.
Master haste pieces: 26% (25%)
Tjukurrpa Axe
Oneiros cluster
Spurer Beret
Tiercel necklace
Ferine Gausape +2
Dusk gloves +1 OR Aug. Armada
Blitz Ring
Moepapa Stone
Ferine Quijotes +2
Pet haste gear: 14%
Spurrer Beret
Moepapa Stone
Augmented Armada Sollerets
Anyone who plays Bst knows that pet evasion or pet PDT axes are worth the effort for situations with pet only fights, so assuming you have 2+ Astolfos there is no reason to purchase this axe.
Yes using Tjukurrpa you are able to cap haste easier but if you take the time to do the delay calculations the excess delay this axe gives you vs. the reduced delay from Astolfos you have a faster attack speed from 2 Astolfos instead of 1 Tjukurrpa and 1 Astolfo
seeing how brainless it is to cap haste on bst and the other vast options in axes that actually do ***i don't see any reason to pay a arm and a leg for this >_>;
This is a nice axe, higest base dmg u can buy and even beats all reg. trials base dmg at 90. Also allows u to arrange ur gear based on ur playing style and how easy or hard it is to get other haste gear.
You can cap haste and fulltime af+2 with blitz ring and tiercel newcklace, use aug. adaman mufflers or ocelet gloves and use w/e u want for ring and neck.
1) This axe comes from Lost Aitvaras in Dynamis - Tavnazia
2) Any real pre-abyssea non scrub BST knows that to play the job well you need to gear for many different situation. In a strictly DD situation (and yes BST will always out DD any other melee job) this axe is pretty much best main hand you can get.
3) I also disagree that this axe is not worth the pricetag. As of this posting only 1 ever sold, its rare, and its good. Dreamland Dynamis however is much cheaper and efficient to enter now so good chance to obtain it yourself, gl!