Spect. Goldenrod

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Spect. Goldenrod   stack
This subtle yellow cloth may harbor something otherworldly.
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Asura.Pataruru PM500,0001Mhaura34 minutes ago
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries (filtered from 2 total entries)
Comments (6)
Alexander.Gheila[Report] Score: 16
Drop From :
- Haunt (63-66) in Kuftal Tunnel
- Srei Ap (71-76) in Uleguerand Range
2008-08-11 05:51:09
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 9
This IS indirectly used to pop a NM. It's used in the Haunted Muleta recipe, which is used to pop Geush Urvan (Toreador's Cape NM).
2010-01-11 14:40:36
Unicorn.Lordblackcat[Report] Score: -1
This is used in the creation of the pop item for the Toreador Cape NM.
2009-12-24 11:22:40
Ramuh.Crashdelta[Report] Score: -8
Can be bazaared though. But for how much? That's the real question.
2009-11-20 20:04:59
Unicorn.Kmomo Show Score: -10
Was told this was for a quest. Was also told this was used to spawn an NM. At the end of the day, I just think no one knows WHAT it's for. No info on wiki. No NPC or AH price. Seems good for only one recipe. If anyone can verify the truth, or lack thereof, of what I have been told, please do so.
2009-12-09 17:01:47
Cerberus.Nyla Show Score: -26
I have 2 for sale 15k on Cerberus contact me in game!
2007-08-20 09:31:06
Screenshots (0)
id:1013 Clothcraft (81) Woodworking (18)
Wind Crystal0
Yew Lumber4,0000.02
Spectral Crimson00.00
Spect. Goldenrod00.00
Total Cost4,000
Haunted Muleta18240??0.00