@ Taruwaru: For weapons with < 100% latent DMG (take a look at Maneater, Blau Dolch, etc.) the higher DMG is applied during weaponskills, as is the attack/accuracy bonus. Also, Shiva's Shotel has 45 DMG: That is the highest DMG sword BLU can WS with.
As far as actual Frag vs. Perdu as to which is better... I'm actually going to have to go with Frag on this one. I'd say that the MP and magic accuracy outdo the latent attack on Perdu. BLU isn't like other mages where you macro in staves for this, that, the other; +m.acc on a sword is more than welcome to me. Also, if you're geared properly, you should be able to get well more than 100% TP by next Chain Affinity recast, which means you'll have to say bye to Perdu's bonuses during that period until you WS.
I'm gonna have to disagree with that. In a "melee based situation", the only advantage that Fragarach has over Koggelmander is +2 Accuracy (which should be irrelevant for any well geared Blu). Granted it has 1 more based damage, but Koggelmander has a lower delay @224 (in addition to +2 Attack) and thus the DPS for Koggelmander makes it an overall stronger sword in terms of damage over time. Coupled with the fact that +4 Str and +4 Dex = increased critical hits and stronger melee attacks (in addition to serving as stat modifiers for your physical spells when you cast them) Koggelmander ultimately spanks Fragarach into the ground.
Even *if* Fragarach was better than Koggelmander though, which it isn't, it still wouldn't be worth the gil seeing as for 50~300k you can now obtain the Blu Fay Weapon and create a sword that's as good (or arguably better) than Fragarach
When are all of you BLUs gonna learn its not about the size of ur WS. its about the Overall Damage of you're Swords? Kogg is definately not replaceable in either of you're Weapon Slots if ur /NIN SOLELY Because it modifys Each and Every Physial Spell you Have. Cannonbal is Mainly DEF. then VIT then STR. Kogg and Beast Slayer Paired are Nice Imo. this sword is junk and just for looks.
This sword is defiantly not junk.
Highest DMG sword and has +4 acc which helps spells and general mellee acc. I agree Kogg has the nice STR and DEX mods but then I use Cuchulains mantle so for me Fragarach main. Perdu Offhand.
For those that think Magic Acc is a joke you clearly dont fully use blumage properly.
MP Drain Kiss in merit pty(If you dont use staff)
Magic Hammer in duo/solo Imp(If no staff)
Heathbreath in Dyna/Limbus/other events if mobs use PD or invincible etc.
I can easily do 600+ heatbreath when needed.
Perdu is not a great main hand weapon. Very low stats when above 100tp and Most blus suffer from excess tp (over 100) when CA isnt up.
Best thing I ever bought for bluemage but then I have everything you can buy from ah/bazzar's
I dont know why ppl compare frag to kogg my dream set would be main frag sub kogg
I just noticed people are still buying this for 700k+ on Odin. WTF are you people thinking? This was good in it's day for top base DMG and some nice bonuses, but was beaten on all fronts when Erlking's Blade was released.
Now though, with macc and acc both being less of an issue, and 44 base damage being ridiculously low, this thing isn't worth ***.