This sword is designed for when playing solo, the STR+ & high DMG makes for better WS's, whilst the enmity- is pointless if solo. and at Lv.72 the 6 VIT shodul not make so much differance when soloing. Although if you have the gil to spend on this I would advise saving up a little more for an Espadon +1
This is the most damaging WS sword in the game for PLD. It's not great on it's own, but combine it with a multihit weapon and you'll be dealing some damage. This sword is great in campaign and if you're one of the lucky few that has access to a Kraken, you have the most damaging combo for PLD currently available.
Even if this is supposedly good, two swords that a free are 100% better for exp and merits. Any pld who chooses this over a justice/joyeuse, or even a company sword (higher dps) needs to something else to blow cash on. This sword is worth no more than 100k, if that.
There's a lot of speculation that this might be a hidden effect item. I think it looks like it too. My guess is it could be triggered by a cup of san d'orian tea. I can't test it though. Anyone?
What Cravion meant is explained by Alchemadian. It's the burn parties. At 75 PLD's get less invites coz people want to kill as fast as possible to get more exp/hrs. Therefore, more parties will be like a healer, a supporter and the rest will be DD. At such a situation, you either sub with nin and throw your def armor and put on str/haste armor, or start your own party and good luck doing that. Otherwise, you will be waiting for long hours for an invite.
In almost all EXP situations, a PLD is asked to sub Ninja and help DD. With the combination of +STR and the sword's high damage rating, as well as the lack of really good swords for Weapon Skills (the Company Sword is amazing for DoT, but lacks real WS power), the Princely Sword makes for an incredibly nice main-handed sword for burn parties as PLD/NIN.