Astral Signa

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Astral Signa  
[Main] All Races
DPS: 525 DMG:32 Delay:366 HP+18 MP+18 Avatar perpetuation cost -2
Root » Weapons » Staves
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 6
Rate Slow (0.650 sold/day)
Median 50,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 50,000
Min 40,000
Average 49,200
Last 50,000
Price History
2 Days Ago50,000
4 Days Ago50,000
15 Days Ago50,000
24 Days Ago50,000
GilPrice History2/152/262/282/283/20k10k20k30k40k50k60kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Mar. 24, 2025SiviTombeary50,000
Mar. 22, 2025SadinasanJosuiensei50,000
Mar. 10, 2025EreanoaPapanasty50,000
Mar. 2, 2025HichuoFavi50,000
Mar. 2, 2025TarumitiFavi50,000
Mar. 2, 2025ShunshinFavi50,000
Mar. 2, 2025SadinasanFavi50,000
Mar. 2, 2025SadinasanFavi50,000
Feb. 28, 2025TarumitiFavi50,000
Feb. 28, 2025TarumitiFavi50,000
Comments (8)
Remora.Redchaos[Report] Score: 9
Droped by Tzee Xicu the Manifest,
she Will drop either Daylight Dagger or Astral Signa but never both with Astral Signa having a extremly low chance of dropping(1%)
Tzee Xicu the Manifest is a
Lottery pop of the Yagudo Avatar which spawns every 21-24 hours - so a 3-5 day spawn. However it can spawn as early as 2 days from previous kill or as late as 10 days.
2008-09-19 16:17:33
Asura.Chipmunkys[Report] Score: 8
Now drops from SKCNM20 Divine Punishment II
2017-01-10 03:12:29
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 5
While it may not be as good as HQ staves or Bahamut's Staff, it does allow you to conserve some space by getting rid of your NQ staves (except Light and Dark, of course).

It's a pretty good show-piece, too, seeing as it's not very easy to get.
2009-02-03 22:47:15
Cerberus.Undeadhunter[Report] Score: -4
Darkrift because it's freaking awesome that's why ^^b

I never seen this drop out of 20+ kills
2010-03-28 05:02:56
Hades.Neojuggernaut[Report] Score: -4
A couple friends and myself trio'd Tzee a few times and had a thought...what if we all owned a Daylight Dagger and then killed Tzee!? o.o
2010-04-08 18:35:46
Bahamut.Vladislav[Report] Score: -7
Selling 1m oh AH right now
2013-07-03 17:20:23
Alexander.Bloodrain Show Score: -11
Darkrift. No one actually sells this on purpose. They put it up on auction to show off that they have it cause they mean to buy it from themselves, and usually do for a low price. And for the unlucky ones who lose them for those low prices... too bad for them. Yes, HQ staves are better, but this is still a nice staff for those who have the extra time on their hands to camp the NM and kill it.
2009-05-15 23:10:27
Hades.Darkrift Show Score: -11

True it will save you inventory space, but if you can afford this you can afford some HQ staves or buy a bahamuts from some LS.

Although in all reality it should sell for next to nothing. Somehow it still manages to have a 1-2 mil price tag on it. WHY AND HOW? get HQ staves instead. With mog satchel inventory should not be a problem.
2009-05-05 13:39:44
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