This is dropped off of Da'Dha Hundredmask in Beadeaux. Pop is around H-9 close to the afflictor. Place holder is Brass Quadav and is a 10 min repop time. Have seen pop in 90 min but could miss a pop and take up to 4 hours. Not heavily camped but worth the time. Happy Hunting.
For whatever reason, alot of people seem to want this sword but I would suggest just waiting 2 levels and grabbing a Centurion's Sword from conquest points...or buy it from the AH. If your interested in the mob, the Parrying Knife is also dropped by Da'Dha Hundredmask, and though it sells really cheap it is a really good weapon for low level and skill-up.
for a thf this sword adds an additional 3 points of dmg for sneak attacks and is the highest dps weapon for its level. as long as you can get the acc elsewhere