Hachiryu Haidate

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Hachiryu Haidate   Rare
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DEF:42 STR+10 Attack+5 Enhances "Zanshin" effect Set: Enhances "Store TP" effect
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Comments (10)
Valefor.Forgotten[Report] Score: 53
Drops from Sarameya in Mount Zhayolm (which is basically cerberus).

Popped by trading a Buffalo Corpse to a ??? at (I-12). You'll need Purple-Grey, Gold, and Copper Seals to get the Buffalo Corpse.
2008-06-18 20:20:25
Cerberus.Fumant[Report] Score: 16
these are awesome for ranger and sam. you can argue other pieces for the other jobs that can equip but hands down on ranger and sam if you can have these pieces nothing beats them.
2008-10-07 16:15:46
Unicorn.Sedres[Report] Score: 6
For a WS piece... yeah, these own most things. While not great for TPing, easily great for WS (For SAM at least).
2008-06-13 04:05:22
Bahamut.Mattaus[Report] Score: 4
Well ive noticed from all the other comments that 1 job that would get some great use out of these legs is RNG, apart from relix legs on RNG there isnt that many great leg pieces out there for the job since the +10 STR is a mod on sidewinder.
2008-09-24 05:33:25
Phoenix.Mogar[Report] Score: -7
STILL worth alot. Just sold for 5m.
2012-08-27 17:21:28
Shiva.Daimos Show Score: -13
While not appropriate for all WS's, These definitely take the cake for y/g/k, slugwinder, King's justice, and Steel cyclone.
2010-08-05 20:50:29
Remora.Nhahagolah Show Score: -19
For WAR and NIN WS (Raging Rush/Rampage/Vorpal Blade/Blade: Jin, all crit-based) I would use Byakko's. For MNK WS, Shura is better since STR does very little for Asuran and the ACC is helpful. Even without Shura, Byakko's wins for Asuran.

But yeah, these things are insane for a SAM's WS. Pure sex.
2008-06-15 10:42:12
Gilgamesh.Fortunez Show Score: -34
these things own BH for tping on sam because it enhances zanshin duuuhhhh, you newbs
2010-02-25 10:26:37
Alexander.Vixia Show Score: -43
Sexiest things ever for Ranger... my Galliard Trousers don't even touch these for Sidewinder :o
2008-09-20 17:17:39
Ragnarok.Phlankx Show Score: -45
Hands down, best Steel Cyclone piece. For Raging Rush, this fall short of Byakko's or Ares' Legs.
2008-07-09 19:05:08
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