Tested this on rdm and confirmed, if you block(lolrdm shield skill) you won't be interrupted and you will also get tp from a block just like the Pld trait.
Just got this off an Urganite named Shankha in Bibiki Bay on Purgonorgo Isle at I-9 (the beach on the east side of the island). Timed pop, it was up after maintenance.
Any tier of shield mastery gives -100% interruption rate (on a block), meaning this could be useful for getting Utsusemi (or other long casting spells) off uninterrupted for jobs other than PLD.
Looks like an awesome shield for RDM. Shield Mastery as said earlier by Azul gives a -100% interruption rate when you block, and because this is a tier 1 shield, it blocks quite often.
Went 1/4 last night, w/o treasure hunter. NM can easily be solod as WAR/DNC, and for this job-combo I use the shield (Joytoy/Pavise) now.
Shankha repops between 1:30 and 2:00 hours.
Hmmm... Now that I think about it, bucklers proc Shield Blocking more often correct? This would give back more tp per block and block more often. Now I wouldn't necessarily take this over Koenig Shield. Could it be used for maybe Atonement spam?