Job: Bard, Warrior
Family: Rocs
Crystal: Light
Weak to: Ice
Notorious Monster
Title Obtained: Simurgh Poacher
* Spawns around the pond at (D-11), outside the exit from the Crawlers' Nest, approximately every 21-24 hours.
* Uses Mighty Strikes, Draw In, Horde Lullaby, Massacre Elegy, and Magic Finale, in addition to Roc special attacks. Possesses the Double Attack trait.
* Rages after 20 minutes.
* Has very high accuracy (around 90%Verification Needed) and evasion.
* Has increased speed (around 12%Verification Needed).
* Has no known spell resistances or immunities. Is especially susceptible to ice-based effects, such as Paralyze.
* Can be defeated by an alliance of 12 characters at level 60 or a party of 4 characters at level 75; Trioable by two jobs with Ninja Sub job and a Red Mage at level 75
* Can be Mugged for around 5,400 gil.
* Has ~45,000 HP
1/5 hardly camped except right after maintenance. Drawn only seems to happen during bind/grav when decently far away... ie can be pulled a bit. Fairly easy duo by decent drg/blu and rdm/whm.