The price is slowly declining due to the coming decrease in Behemoth Hide prices. This is because of the Mog Bonanza and how many hides will be given out. I would not be surprised if it dropped below 1m by the end of June which is when the winning number is released.
If you are at accuracy cap then no, adding more accuracy isn't better than adding double attack. Acc cap is easy to hit with 2handed weaps. Also it's arguable whether 4 atk would really outshine 1% double attack increase. I'm guesing it would be negeligable either way.
@ Vyoria--fighter's calligae should never be worn @ 75. Even Thick Sollerets are better than them. 2 acc is always better than 1 double attack, not to mention Thick's 4 attack.
I have to laugh at the 350k price plummet on kujata. The crafters there jacked up the price of unicorn horns which is also used for staurobows. They made it a loss synth. soooo serves them right that they just lost a profit synth too