Best use is as a macro-in for Conserve MP/Haste/Enmity- or all three. A lot of RDMs macro in Duelist for heals, but you can start the Cure spell with Duelist, and close with this for even better overall effect.
An awesome body for SCH. It's the only SCH body piece with haste (and there are none with fast caste). In combination with the emnity-5, that makes this the best piece for throwing AoE status cures (which generate large enmity spikes).
A decent alternative to relic body to macro in for curing on RDM. Haste will shorten recast, enmity-5 is great especially if you need to do a Cure IV and Conserve MP+5 might save you some MP.
WHM should probably macro this in for any spell that doesn't have INT/MND modifiers, Cures and Regen. It has every stat you need for a general casting piece. But you should idle in a refresh piece.