* Resting MP, the only piece the can match this is Oracle's Robe, which can't be worn by RDM, PUP, BLU, SCH.
* Nuking, mainly for RDM or SCH (not the best for these jobs, but the best you can buy). RDM should ALWAYS nuke in AF head (+1) and SCH should use AF or Relic head (mob dependant)
* Stoneskin, mainly for BLM (who needs a lot of MND), but can be useful for any job on the list. It is easy to find a head piece with more than 2 MND (Errant head has 3).
* Curing, for all jobs other than WHM this offers one of the highest enmity drops obtainable combined with enough MND to get you close to the soft cap.
* High Potency enfeebles, this can be used to increase the potency of the slow effect on Slow (II) or Paralyze (II) on less resistive mobs. This can be combined with Relic head for RDM, JSE head for BLM, Relic head for SCH (the list goes on for most jobs) to beat Ixion Cloak
Some jobs have head pieces that are more useful than just +2 Int/Mnd/Chr. Like Rdm, AF and/or Relic hats are way more useful, or Sch's for Sublimation.
I'll be getting one of these shortly to try & break the 150 int tier on ele debuffs. This + Demon helm +1 = +17 int vs +13 for ixion cloak? No contest.
There's no reason to fear curing in this body piece simply because it has -8 VIT on it. It takes 3 VIT to equal 1 MND for the curing formula, making +11 MND and -8 VIT equal out to be +8.3 MND. That's still more than any other body piece out there!
Hume WHM/BLM casting Cure IV
383 = Naked
391 = only wearing Mahatma Houppelande & Slops
The numbers don't lie, this body is not hurting your cures. Pieces with cure potency, such as Noble's Tunic, are obviously a better choice if they are available.
If you're looking for an item you can purchase from the auction house, this is the best -enmity body piece available. The next step up is the Goliard Saio, a fairly accessible rare/ex body piece with -5 enmity along with haste/conserve mp but no +MND.
Until something new comes along, this is the best body piece in the game for Helix spells.
"If you're looking for an item you can purchase from the auction house, this is the best -enmity body piece available. The next step up is the Goliard Saio, a fairly accessible rare/ex body piece with -5 enmity"
Actually, it isn't the best. Raven jupon has Enmity -9. Currently 60k and much easier to obtain than Mahatma Body and Goliard Saio.
One minor Problem with your comment Argettio and its so minor there is no reason to give you a Rate +/- for it. This is a horrific piece for Cureing in. Yes the Enmity is nice. Yes the Mind is nice. But the vit-8 is a far larger effect on your cures then the bonus of the extra mind. In all other comments you are very right.