Prices are being manipulated SEVERELY on Siren, bouncing between 70k during a buy phase to upwards of 250k during a sell phase of the manipulation cycle. I'd advise sellers and buyers to work more from bazaars for a while.
i've noted about 16 names on Phoenix that do the same thing. Contacted a GM and he just referred me to the task force email. they were manipulating about 6 different rings/earrings. hopefully they'll do something.
There also price fixing on Asura chars involved Kwame,Deavin,Lublanc,Toshire,Xspace,Scremy,Junboy,Ortegor,Shukudai,Harues,Shiruba,Pancer,Coorck,Urfugly,Lrenu,Rexomuz,Elomendl,Txoucg maybe more of them thats the names of the RMTS price fixing that i have found so far