A decent weapon skill belt that will last you until Potent Belt at lv60. For TPing though Swift Belt or Life Belt would be better choices at that level.
Actually, PLDs should stick to Life Belt so they can hit the mob and use Spirits Within/Flat Blade. Use Haste belts (Swift, or at least Quick) for macros.
Actually, Since pld cannot do decent enough damage to outdamage DDs, they will typically get more hate from a reduced DoT done to you, therefore letting the mob dispel less hate on you each hit, accumulating more, etc. So, the VIT+3 of the War belt +1 would be the best choice, with Life belt coming in a distant second. STR and Dex to relatively little since a few extra damage (at this lvl its actually just a few) does little for hate, AGI is good, but not as good as VIT and shield skill, and chr is only good if you happen to be fighting undead. And for those of you who think this belt is needed to compensate for the Gluttony sword, dont worry, the stat down effects do to pld what STR and DEX down would do to a WHM, just let it go.... zen....+7 vit is rediculously amazing.