Great gloves for the price
there arent many gloves out there better for DNC PUP BST DRG out there, heck im even using them on my PLD and i know some PUP that use them to 75. If you are leveling your first job, it is well worth farming for these gloves. One of the best investments a new player can make.
Attention doubters: The reason people won't pay top dollar for these is the fact that they're obtainable through a chest of a low-level zone. A high price will only encourage potential buyers to simply farm the key themselves to obtain the item for free while your gloves remain unsold.
Perfect choice of equipment for DD. and easy to get from King Ranperre's Tomb chest, note of intret {On Odin at least} you can sell these suckers on ah in sandy for 20-40k usualy while jeuno is about 5-10k.