Warlock's Chapeau

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Warlock's Chapeau   Rare Ex
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DEF:23 MP+20 INT+3 Elemental magic skill +10 Enhances "Fast Cast" effect
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Comments (4)
Hades.Rieyuu[Report] Score: 8
Doesn't exactly trump is considering af1 and af2 have completely different uses. Both Rdm hats are amazing, af1 head with af2 body for fast cast af2 head with af1 body for enfeebling
2009-10-02 20:04:24
Phoenix.Darkovercast[Report] Score: 6
Reduces spellcasting time by 10%.
Reduces spell recast time by 5%
For RDM's who enjoy the Walahra Turban more then your AF hat, this is why your crazy.
2009-12-08 00:12:06
Quetzalcoatl.Itikuo[Report] Score: 0
In a nutshell: If you have this then you don't need the walahra Turban.

And if your a good red mage and like to toss in a elemental spell now and then on a magic burst these help be all you can be. And hey 10 MP difference is no concern to a red mage and you don't need 30HP unless you are somehow melee with a joytoy and doing 300% Spirits Within.
2010-04-20 22:57:15
Asura.Kyofooyo Show Score: -11
*The Best* RDM hat there is besides maybe the relic. Even then, it has its times when it trumps that as well. This is a good way to separate the good RDM from the bad RDM in terms of ability and knowledge of the job.
2009-04-15 14:51:48
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