Aquiline Belt

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Aquiline Belt   Rare Ex
[Waist] All Races
DEF:5 Ranged Accuracy+6 Magic Accuracy+3 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+3
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Comments (9)
Asura.Flufferkins[Report] Score: 9
@ Nightfyre

Elemental Obi's only work on the Day/Weather they are attuned to. This is always. unless you carry every single card and every obi. I'll personally take the +7 inventory and +3 Mab at all times for my QD.
2010-07-12 11:31:12
Hades.Eliane[Report] Score: 6
From Iratham
2010-10-18 08:20:00
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 5
Simply as an answer to Khair:

This would be worse than Elemental Obi's (On matching day) for quick-draw.

However on non-matching day this beats every other waist option in terms of pure damage. (And i think maybe even accuracy?)
2010-08-31 02:47:28
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: 3
It's 3% constant damage on all QD vs 10% extra limited to 1 QD. Elemental Obis are still nice to have, but if you're in a fight where you're using multiple elements of QD, this is a lovely belt.
2010-10-20 16:48:09
Diabolos.Gira[Report] Score: 0

Damn, with the new gun (51 base damage) and all the new MAB shinies COR has, I'm thinking a 500 damage Quick Draw shot will start to seem like weaksauce.
2010-06-21 19:15:36
Phoenix.Durahan[Report] Score: 0
looking forward to landing this on cor.
2010-06-30 21:51:47
Cerberus.Reimii[Report] Score: -2
brb need new pair of pants.
2010-06-22 08:06:04
Fenrir.Nightfyre Show Score: -11
Worse than elemental obis for damage shots; nice for Light/Dark shot though.
2010-07-06 15:32:11
Cerberus.Khair Show Score: -11
Hmmm Don't know if this would be better, equal or worse than elemental obis for QD.
2010-06-22 09:15:47
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