Currently, on asura, the profit making these, even at low level, is really big.
Too lazy to do the maths?
36.000g for ingots
transform into
40.000g (sheets)
transform into
30.000 (scales)
1 scale = 33 makibishi or ~6.7k
~6.7k x12 = ~80k
or a good ~44k profit per stack of ingot without breaking/HQing
Crafters, dont lower the price!
Really hard to make a good profit crafting nowaday, plus, there is ~really~ no needs to undercut, seeing that ninjutsus are needed to trigger weaknesses in abyssea^^
at the point of smithing where you make iron scales it is best to make the scales into these. more profit. and if people would stop undercutting from 10k down to 6-7k you would make a lot of money at this stage of smithing.