@Khimaira: Plenilune Embrace is NEVER more MP efficient than Magic Fruit for any realistic values of base HP healed after MND/VIT (H) and cure potency (P). Proof is simply mathematical: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=H*%281%2BP%2F100%29%2F72+%3C+%28H%2B110%29%281%2BP%2F100%29%2F108%2C+0%3CP%3C50%2C+H%3E300
It also has a longer casting animation/freeze, and a longer recast. Magic fruit is indubitably better.
For cures (both Blue and White Magic), this ring is equal to a +6 MND ring. Can't beat the price if you are short on cash, but you'd get a lot more utility out of a +6 MND ring.
Quipto is right, this is the best ring slot to help cursna take off doom. If your tired of getting killed from doom on chloris it might be worth carrying.