Thanks to the razed ruin and Voracious violet atma's the negative stats on this ring are almost negligible and this makes the ring a much more solid choice for 2h DD once you obtain those atma.
"If this is what it takes to reach your next "x hit" set, you really need to re-evaluate your priorities."
meh, this helps relic sams get to a 5 hit build while still being able to keep pole grip on, DA+2, str/dex-4, stp+4 > stp+4(rose strap) and lets say toreadors ring since most ppl dont have mars's...5 hit amano with 2 more DA ftmfw
Legit choice for a COR Quick Draw macro. For QD, you're really looking at:
1) MAB - not many options for COR outside of lucky Dark Ring augments. Zodiac Ring's matching day/element bonus also fits here.
2) MAcc/AGI - for QD Accuracy, which may not be needed with other MAcc/AGI gear and merits, and because resists aren't much of an issue on anything other than the hardest NMs around today
3) Store TP - since QD was changed to give TP, you can build more TP through each QD shot and get more WS in.