Ace's Leggings

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Ace's Leggings   Rare Ex
[Feet] All Races
DEF:24 Accuracy-4 Attack+8 "Store TP"+5 Haste+3%
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Comments (6)
Phoenix.Shiomi[Report] Score: 35
Ace just keeps dropping his armor. Poor fellow.
2010-09-09 16:30:53
Lakshmi.Naveyah[Report] Score: 19
drops from the Wamoura zone boss of Abyssea - Attowah
2010-09-14 18:06:20
Fenrir.Skarwind[Report] Score: 15
It's a damn shame his hat sucks. Though I do like the boots, If you discount the acc loss it's close to Usukane Feet. And two more jobs can use it to "boot"

Edit:P I meant for other jobs, funny how people end up getting butt hurt and spam rate downs lol.

Odds are especially with Dragoon your accuracy is capped. These look wonderful for attempting a 5 hit build. Also Usukane are better if you have no other way of getting the Store TP needed for a 5 hit build on SAM. (Going from a 6 hit to a 5 hit is much better then 1% haste) This difference is only 2 Store TP though.

If you already have a 5 hit and you aren't short any Store TP at all. These boots are a good way to maximize your haste build.

Way to nitpick guys.
2010-09-29 13:09:29
Asura.Kurriko[Report] Score: 4
@ Ghaleon
It's not 1% Haste against 4 Acc. Usukane Sune-Ate have 7 Acc, so the comparison is 1% Haste vs 11 Acc.
2010-09-29 09:21:35
Cerberus.Mirril[Report] Score: 0
I've seen Beastmasters that can dress better.
2012-01-06 20:57:13
Fairy.Ghaleon Show Score: -20

close to usu feet? this is better than Usukane Sune-ate provided you dont NEED the extra 2stp to maintain your current xhit build.

1haste > 2% acc |>_>;
u can make that up elsewhere.
2010-09-10 03:45:25
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