Just got mine...don't see why people are wasting 1 mil on these, only took me 2 serious 1hr farming runs to get them, and I still have 1.2k left ^^ Stupid people are stupid i guess =)
As a comparison to Aurm:
Perle: DEF21 STR5 DEX3 ENM2 haste+2
If you're wearing perle boots instead of aurum: DEF+1 STR+5 ACC-5 EVA+5 ENM+2 ATK-5
If you're wearing aurum instead of perle: DEF-1 STR-5 ACC+5 EVA-5 EMN-2 ATK+5
(The main change is the STR/ACC.)
Just a fast comparison between the two.
Currently highest STR on the feet for SAM. Price will be sky high the first few weeks until people realise how easily they are obtained or until the only people left buying them are the ones sensible with their gil.
The more people that get Abyssia the more people will get enough Cruor to buy items like this. Then more will show up on ah and the price will start to reflect the effort needed to get them.
Because not everyone has new add ons on the date they come out, as such the ah is only place for this sort of gear. If you are one of those players, then sure ya could drop a shed load of gil on a newly intoduced item or ya could wait on the price to fall to what you are willing to pay.
Just think what is this going to be worth a Lv 99 in about 6 months?