for those who started selling @ 1k:
these sell for 960 with 0 fame, so u paid taxes just to gain less money than you would have npcing them. congratulations
it's always nice to see that economy is ruled by retards
People sell to NPCs because it's not worth the time to sell it for the exact same amount on the AH. If crafters don't want to get the material themselves, then they need to provide incentive for others to get it for them, i.e.- more than what it NPCs for.
@the people debating whether or not to list this or any other item at NPC price on the AH to provide it to crafters; Don't. As a crafter, I appreciate it when people list rare items. As a crafter, I also really hate it when people list items for so little that no one wants to bother farming them.
If you really want to help out crafters, list the items you've farmed at a fair price, don't lowball it so badly that no one is going to provide them. In the long run that not only hurts you and will force you to have to find a new item to farm, but it hurts the crafters you're trying to assist because everyone else has to find something else to farm as well, meaning no one will list said item. If you're happy settling for NPC price rather than waiting for it to sell at full price then you'll help us out more by just NPCing the item.
No one is going to bid more than they have to for an item, especially not someone craft-minded. You can't blame other people for not paying enough if you'r
Undercutting probably won't make these sell any faster. These are used (almost) solely for skilling up Leathercraft with caps at 95 and 100, so if no one's buying them, no one's going to buy them. Also check on the supply of High-quality Coeurl Hides to determine which of these is the limiting factor.
If you want to sell stuff so low why do you sell in Jeuno where the taxes are so high. Send them to one of the city ah where the craft guild is located. Often you can sell them for more with hardly any tax and the crafters will have a supply to.