Dear Valued Customers:
We understand that it is far easier to complain about prices than understand the basic principle of supply and demand. As you should be aware, we are always accepting new guild members for those with enough patience to become a supplier themselves. This is not an easy task and will require much time and effort, however the end result is that you may be wealthy for game life.
7 percent haste opens up different builds for those jobs not listed under Twilight or Bullwhip belt, namely PLD RDM DRK. To a lesser extent this IS a better option for WAR BRD SAM DRG than Bullwhip.
However I find it hard to justify a uber high price tag for 75 HP and 50 more resist - OR - situations where capping haste means going from 25-26% (or 24.something to 25).
There are probably better things to drop millions of gil on in the pursuit on the pimpest (insert job name here) evah, but if you're the player who has everything, why not?