Would like to share what my group is doing. My goal is to see players gain more muffins per run, more +2 opportunities, and more stage 5s out there.
We do naturalist, and we prebuff with an outside SCH. Mainly regen, and shell from the SCH. The RDM will haste 2 the party.
Once inside we do basic BRD songs, most important is everyone capping haste. COR will crooked SAM, random, then bolters. PLD will barbliz, barpara, auspice, and holy circle.
We split to do objectives:
COR goes to B and does objectives on fire elementals.
PLD and BRD goes towards D and does objective on fomors.
DNC and geo goes to C and does objectives on corses.
RDM runs towards D and does A objectives on acuex.
Focus on trying to get all objectives at a point where you are at 55min time remaining and is at D boss.
Gather at boss D and kill. Will need to SV here to guarantee SV for aminon. BRD will do honor, mad, min, min, aria, and will pianissimo ballad to pld. COR will CC brd.
After boss D kill, we run back to start and port to D > H.
Notes for H Aita:
PLD goes to area before the reive to check for blitzer.
PLD: Fealty prepull, kite out if fetters are either orange (they will floor accuracy) or 4 fetters are out. Prebuff auspice, barpara, barblizz, phalanx, crusade. Priority is heals. Fight in the center. As required kite towards the right and stand to fight, again kite away if either orange or if more than 4 fetters, Ideally towards the door.
COR and GEO in charge of procing Aita.
Will need panacea when you have DOT, def down or slow. Everyone follow tank running out when they run out. Always fight near tank to receive cures.
GEO: Indi fury, entrust haste, geo frailty.
DNC: Haste samba, box step, ruthless stroke.
COR: Crooked chaos, sam, SB ws. Lightshot to upgrade dia.
RDM: Dia 3, black halo ws.
BRD: Open with shell crusher and switch to sb.
Aita can be stunned.
Ideal kill time is before fealty expires. Para can be a *** to get off if it get’s on the PLD. Almost wiped once due to para not coming off with paralyna or remedy.
After Aita kill, port back to start.
From start travel north to A boss.
After A boss kill hug the left wall to B boss.
After B boss kill hug left wall to C boss.
After C boss kill run to G. Note: jig and bolters here.
Notes for G Triboulex:
PLD: Prebuff with holy circle, barpara, barblizz, auspice, phalanx, crusade. Open with fealty, flash, sentinel, rampart, sepulcher, banish2. Tank in the center.
BRD: Songs honor, mad, min, min, aria. Open with Shell Crusher.
GEO: Indi fury, Geo Frailty, judgment ws.
COR: Crooked chaos, sam. SB ws. Lightshot to upgrade dia.
DNC: Haste samba, box step, Ruthless ws.
RDM: Haste 2 everyone prefight. Dia 3, Frazzle, distract, Black Halo ws.
Can absorb TP Triboulex.
Bolters + chocobo jig after kill.
After G kill go to B > F boss.
PLD goes to area before reive to check if blitzer is there.
Notes for F Gartell:
If wind hand, everyone removes protect and no phalanx.
PLD: Prebuff auspice, crusade. Barwind if windhand and barthunder if thunderhand. If thunderhand pro 5, phalanx. Flash, sentinel, rampart, invincible, palisade under 24.9 yalms. Due to server and client ping, safer to do at 22-23 yalms. Kite around ring. Be sure to panacea or erase if hit with gravity. Stay out of 20+ yalms during kiting.
RDM: Haste 2 party, stymie + saboteur + grav 2 on pld pull, dia 3, distact 3, impact. Black halo ws.
BRD: Honor, mad, mad, min, min. Wind threnody 2. Shell crusher after wind threnody. SB ws.
GEO: Indi frailty, entrust fury, geo grav, widened compass.
COR: Crooked chaos/sam. SB ws. Upgrade dia with lightshot. SB ws.
DNC: Haste samba, box step. Jumps to shed hate. Rudra/ruthless ws.
After F kill go to A > E boss.
Notes for E Dhartok:
PLD: Kites mob, stay past 18+ yalms to avoid poison. Keep hate so the front line doesn’t get poisoned. Phalanx, auspice, pro, shell, crusade, stoneskin.
BRD: Songs honor, mad, min, min, aria. Shell crusher then sb spam.
GEO: Geo frailty, stun. Judgment ws.
DNC: Box step, jumps to shed hate. Ruthless ws.
RDM: Haste 2 party if needed, saboteur + gravity 2, dia 3, frazzle 3, distract 3. Black halo ws.
COR: Chaos/sam. Upgrade dia with lightshot. SB ws.
After E kill go to Aminon.
Notes for Aminon:
During the Dhartok fight, RDM could have made sure everyone had haste 2 and refresh 2.
Wait until after PLD pulls before songs and rolls are applied due to possibility of pld buff wipe.
Everyone needs to be equipped with proper absorb TP gear and will need to absorb accordingly to keep Aminons TP down. And ws when applicable. 300+ Aminon TP is danger zone.
Even during buffing and while fighting, people need to absorb in between their respective roles. For example brd will absorb TP in between their songs.
PLD: Prebuff with crusade, phalanx, stoneskin. Flash at 21 yalms. Run back towards entrance for about 5 yalms and wait for roughly 2 seconds. After the 2 seconds keep running to the entrance, this should get you out of a buff wipe situation if timed correctly. After pull everyone gather together and setup and continue buffs. In the event of a PLD buff wipe, have the RDM shell 5, refresh 2 and haste 2 PLD asap. PLD needs to keep majesty, stoneskin and phalanx up at all times. I keep auspice and enlight up throughout the fight. KoR ws. I use divine emblem, palisade, sentinel, and or rampart when available. Excalibur and Aegis locked. A good server ping helps greatly to run out of the wipe move.
RDM: Critical to haste 2, shell 5, and refresh 2 pld if wiped. Dia 3 > saboteur > frazzle 3 > poison 2, para 2, absorb mind > absorb str > impact. Black halo ws.
COR: Crooked tact, misers. Upgrade dia with lightshot. SB ws. Use WC and randoms when applicable.
BRD: SV dark threnody 2 > honor > mad > mad > min > aria. Ruthless ws.
GEO: Bolster geo frailty, indi fury, entrust str. Judgment ws.
DNC: Box step, climactic, reverse, presto, trance and grand pas. Use jumps to shed hate. Rotating ruthless and rudras for ws.
Final notes:
As your prep and timing gets tweaked and perfected, you will have more time to fit in roaming nms, other box objectives or reive fights.
Be aware of what aggros what and to apply required sneaks or invis accordingly. Aggros could prevent successive 9 boss runs. The timing gets tighter as more mistakes are made.
I do not play a lot of jobs so I’m leaving it up to the community here to explain in detail should any job questions get asked. I’ve only ever been PLD or COR for a 9 boss run. It would be a disservice for me to explain a perfected DNC Aminon play.
There are many different routes your team could explore but for my team, we found this route to be the most consistent and time saving for us. We have the use of SV for D, H, etc and have it guaranteed for Aminon. We also noticed that traversing the upper floors from start to clockwise was less aggro prone vs traversing from start to counter-clockwise.
Not being able to voice chat (discord) increases the level of difficulty for this activity.
Our runs has been made possible with the help of players that has been there before us and was slightly tailored to our needs. The tidbits of information, data and strategies that was collectively gathered by the static and friends that was shared and applied accordingly.
Lastly, feel free to share your strats or if there’s anything you would like to share and add-on, thanks for reading and I’ll see ya online.