But, what if there was a crappy level 1 All-Jobs handbell added into the game? This would theoretically allow /GEO to cast GEO-spells, even with reduced potency making it a bit less useless.
I've monkeyed with the idea of using BLM/GEO in the past for a few niche purposes and even made a memey max skill set that provides an additional 88 combined skill; this would make an ML50 main job have a total of 586 combined skill.
A few examples of what that skill might bring potency wise:
Indi-Fury 22.59%
Indi-Acumen 9.77
Indi-Focus 32.56
Indi-Barrier 25.91%
Indi-Attunement 42.32
Indi-STR 16.28
Indi-INT 16.28
Indi-Precision 32.56
Do you think this would change the meta in any discernable way? I don't think it would unbalance things but would be nice to have one less useless subjob with a cool job kit.