A Desperate Plea For Fimbulvetr Testing

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A desperate plea for Fimbulvetr testing
Posts: 401
By Guyford 2023-10-09 15:23:13
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Ok I give up. I was doing testing for 1k and realized that when I used exact values in previous testing, I used 266/256 for 10 pdl aftermath instead of 281/256 cause I'm an idiot. And now the numbers don't make sense anymore as when I compare 3k no fotia to 3k fotia x2, I get a WSC range of 172-323 with 702 combined str/vit, where a 50% wsc would be 351. 45% falls in this range but doesn't fit the rest of the data as well as 50/50 str vit with an ftp of about 9 at 3k.

At this point I give up, someone else can take over, apologies for my failures.

War/sam, 406 str, 378 vit, 6 pdl (sakpata hands) +4 pdl(1k aftermath)
1k tp, no fotia
High: 12618
Low: 12055

4 pdl changes to 7 pdl for 2k aftermath
2k tp, no fotia
High: 25831
Low: 24755

What fits the data to me atm is 3ftp at 1k, 6 at 2k, and 9 at 3k with 50/50 STR VIT

I think this is obviously wrong, but I'm at a loss for what I'm doing wrong since catching my last mistake

Edit: Falkirk says it looks about right so do with it what you will
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By Taint 2023-12-14 19:41:31
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I've been testing this for fun using PLD/SAM.

Elvaan PLD/SAM
Naked with Stage 4
STR 159+30
VIT 159+30

3000tp only, Wild Rabbits

(318dmg+43fstr+189(50%mod))=550 * 9.5 = 5225 * 3.85 (/sam) = 20116 * 1.1 AM3 = 22127

What am I doing wrong?

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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,878
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2023-12-14 20:04:53
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forgot /sam PDL 1 trait?

Should be 3.95 cRatio I think.

Edit: Still only gets you to 22702... not sure.
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