Presenting: Leaderboard
Tracks battle information and groups it together in different "boards".
Download from Github repo
↑ The on-screen display showing the High WS Board. Your character is highlighted in green, your Rival is highlighted in red.
↑ Party chat callout for the High WS.
↑ The Cure Board being printed to party chat.
↑ A Rival Skillchain notification.
4 different tracking modes:
○ Silent: Tracks in the background, no party chat call outs. Default.
○ Lite: Limited party chat call outs.
○ Party: Full party chat call outs. Great for linkshell events.
○ Mog Kart: Inspired by Mario Kart, this mode includes "items" that players (trusts too!) can receive and use to affect other players points.
- All items can have their attributes changed in the settings file.
- Trusts will also play Mario Kart along with you and your party members (IT'S AI! ...not really)!
- Note: Uses tells to send players their items as well as receive the command to use them
Tracks 11 different boards.
On-Screen Display for tracking boards in realtime.
Rival system - Set another player as your Rival and get notifications when either of you beat the others scores (visible only to you).
Optout list. Characters on this list will not be tracked and all current data for them will be deleted.
Chat Buffer system. Holds new outgoing messages in a buffer table before sending out to chat to prevent errors with multiple chat messages at the same time.
Party commands. Party members can use party chat and/or tells to issue certain commands while in Party or Lite Modes.
○ Flood delay per player so that individuals can't spam commands and lock others out.
Automatic data recovery. If you crash or disconnect, all scores are saved and it picks back up right where it left off.
Tracks every players scores individually, allowing any player in the group to get a report with only their own scores for each board.
Tracks the number of "9's" a player has hit.
Duplicate scores are ordered by who hit the number first.
All major settings can be changed via commands in-game, no need to modify the settings file (although you still can of course).
Currently Tracked Boards
c/cure - Running total of cures.
d/death - Running total of deaths.
hs/highscore - Highest individual WS damage.
k/kill - Running total of kills.
ls/lowscore - Lowest individual WS damage.
m/murder - Running total of murders.
mb/magicburst - Highest individual MB damage.
n/nuke - Running total of nukes.
sc/skillchain - Highest individual SC damage.
w/whiffs - Running total of whiffs.
More details are in the github.
I've been developing this on and off for a number of months, and I think it's in a good place to release it here now.
It was initially inspired by the Dramagen addon, and intended to compliment the Scoreboard addon. Our linkshell uses Party Mode for an extra layer of fun during Dynamis runs, we have a great time competing for boards. The standout favorites seem to be the Low WS board and the Murder board. We use Lite Mode for seg runs, to compete without too much party spam. We run it in Silent Mode during Sortie and call out and reset the Magic Burst board after each boss (we use a nuking setup).
I am pretty green and self-taught with Lua, but recently decided to learn Javascript and React to become a frontend developer so have been converting some of the things I learn there into some Windower addons. Please leave any comments or feedback for ways to improve, whether its the addon itself, or coding practices.