Prime WS Information, Testing, Discussion

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Prime WS Information, Testing, Discussion
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By Taint 2023-11-04 08:26:52
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Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
Between scythe, great katana, katana, great axe the Great katana did the best in dyna D. With extreme buff situations results could vary but the great katana seems amazing for phy options. The mpaca head / moonshade tp bonus combined with fast tp gain of sam really shows the power of the prime. Also sam can sub drg to drop hate this would be hard for war using great axe. For shorter zerg fights different primes can shine. (like sortie bosses aeonic helms)

Not surprising since SAM gets to 2k+ fast and easy. GS/GA/Scythe should be best in short battles while warcry is active.
By Dodik 2023-11-04 09:15:39
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Sam's weakness is that it is squishy compared to the heavy armor jobs. Lack of Sakpata really hurts it.
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By Taint 2023-11-04 09:50:42
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Dodik said: »
Sam's weakness is that it is squishy compared to the heavy armor jobs. Lack of Sakpata really hurts it.

Emp+3 really helped in that regard. SAM is in a really good place right now. Its biggest weakness is lack of attack when /drg.

Mumei just adds to SAMs arsenal, I would love the GKT someday.
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-11-04 10:09:06
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Yeah, while kasuga +3 isn't gonna completely match sakpata defensively, I'd argue that pieces like the body and legs absolutely slap sakpata offensively while being close enough in meva so I'll totally take the trade.

DRK may need less babysitting thanks to drain 3 and origin but I can't really say my SAM has routinely been in danger of eating ***more often than other people in my party.
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-11-04 11:06:23
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SAM is in a good place for magic compared to wearing Tatenashi. It's physical defense has plenty of options and a solid counter set.

And if you're using Circles or Killer effects correctly, then Mpaca cuts both ways again the mob and none towards you while still keeping good TA.
Posts: 194
By Atrox78 2023-11-04 12:27:23
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Taint said: »
Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
Between scythe, great katana, katana, great axe the Great katana did the best in dyna D. With extreme buff situations results could vary but the great katana seems amazing for phy options. The mpaca head / moonshade tp bonus combined with fast tp gain of sam really shows the power of the prime. Also sam can sub drg to drop hate this would be hard for war using great axe. For shorter zerg fights different primes can shine. (like sortie bosses aeonic helms)

Not surprising since SAM gets to 2k+ fast and easy. GS/GA/Scythe should be best in short battles while warcry is active.
I fail to see how war and drk are going to be best in short battles. Assuming warcry is active, sam and drg will gain to faster. All are capable of frequent capped dmg weapon skills now. It boils down to who gets tp fastest and drg and sam will win that race more times then not.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Jinxs
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By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-11-04 13:38:36
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Don't underestimate greatsword tp gain, especially with store tp on the greatsword.
Ms vs Sam 1h duration
Yadgumi has to build up and does not last as long as Ms, Ms can also be lengthened
+Brazen rush

Someone help me out with drk explanation but the second 1h draining tp, soul eater if someone uses multi hit hell probably single hit gets a large enough buff from it
Posts: 3,664
By Taint 2023-11-04 14:01:23
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Atrox78 said: »
Taint said: »
Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
Between scythe, great katana, katana, great axe the Great katana did the best in dyna D. With extreme buff situations results could vary but the great katana seems amazing for phy options. The mpaca head / moonshade tp bonus combined with fast tp gain of sam really shows the power of the prime. Also sam can sub drg to drop hate this would be hard for war using great axe. For shorter zerg fights different primes can shine. (like sortie bosses aeonic helms)

Not surprising since SAM gets to 2k+ fast and easy. GS/GA/Scythe should be best in short battles while warcry is active.
I fail to see how war and drk are going to be best in short battles. Assuming warcry is active, sam and drg will gain to faster. All are capable of frequent capped dmg weapon skills now. It boils down to who gets tp fastest and drg and sam will win that race more times then not.


Its not like Primes = 99999 on everything. for job differences.

Fenrir.Jinxs said: »
Someone help me out with drk explanation but the second 1h draining tp, soul eater if someone uses multi hit hell probably single hit gets a large enough buff from it

Its a TP drain, so the mob must be getting TP. Seems to cap around 700 per swing from experience. Its very potent during its 30 seconds for TP gain and slowing the mob down.
Posts: 167
By Fayona 2023-11-04 16:25:36
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What sets are people using for Foenaria? At the moment I’m using my torcleaver set with an Int Wsd cape.
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By Asura.Saevel 2023-11-04 23:22:26
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Atrox78 said: »
Taint said: »
Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
Between scythe, great katana, katana, great axe the Great katana did the best in dyna D. With extreme buff situations results could vary but the great katana seems amazing for phy options. The mpaca head / moonshade tp bonus combined with fast tp gain of sam really shows the power of the prime. Also sam can sub drg to drop hate this would be hard for war using great axe. For shorter zerg fights different primes can shine. (like sortie bosses aeonic helms)

Not surprising since SAM gets to 2k+ fast and easy. GS/GA/Scythe should be best in short battles while warcry is active.
I fail to see how war and drk are going to be best in short battles. Assuming warcry is active, sam and drg will gain to faster. All are capable of frequent capped dmg weapon skills now. It boils down to who gets tp fastest and drg and sam will win that race more times then not.

For short super boss fights, WAR beats everything hands down due to Warcry's TP Bonus and Mighty Strikes complete silliness. DRK pairs well on those fights because Soul Enslavement's drain slows down the number of TP moves the boss gets off while also letting the DRK WS every one to two swings.
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By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-11-05 17:50:26
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Asura.Saevel said: »
For short super boss fights, WAR beats everything hands down due to Warcry's TP Bonus and Mighty Strikes complete silliness. DRK pairs well on those fights because Soul Enslavement's drain slows down the number of TP moves the boss gets off while also letting the DRK WS every one to two swings.

I find it amusing that every analysis of SAM's potential always included "with warcry and /DRG"- so they just assume that a mainjob WAR is there only to make their numbers better, and attribute none of that increase to the WAR.

I always say a DD that wins a parse should speak like someone winning an Oscar- freaking thanking every crew member, writer, producer, director, other actors, their life coach, and dietician. In the same vein, a DD should be thanking that BRD, the COR who prioritized keeping rolls up more than their own Savage all the thinnngz, the GEO who didn't just indi-AFK, that WAR who wanted Bloodrage 1st but know Warcry helped everyone not just them, the tank who knew their job well enough to keep those DDs in damage sets vs safety sets...all of it.

I hear that a lot out of DRK and MNK mains....not so much outta them SAMs.....
Posts: 3,664
By Taint 2023-11-06 10:32:03
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Its 2023. The COR,BRD,GEO and WHM are all Alts. The tank is the WAR while also providing Warcry for the only other human in the group.
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By Siren.Bruno 2023-11-06 10:58:44
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By Dodik 2023-11-06 11:24:08
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Surely Vegeta is the War no?
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By Asura.Clintbeastwood 2023-11-06 11:31:19
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Taint said: »
Its 2023. The COR,BRD,GEO and WHM are all Alts. The tank is the WAR while also providing Warcry for the only other human in the group.

Server: Fenrir
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user: Jinxs
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By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-11-06 15:00:03
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Where's the rdm
Needs more dia 3 lightshot and haste 2
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By Asura.Rekcuf 2023-11-12 06:44:59
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all the testing needed for sword
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By Taint 2023-12-13 06:14:03
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Horn is best.

Scythe gets HP/M drain.

It gets complex after that so people just pick their favorite job.

Warcry, jumps, zanhasso, TP bonus weapons all make a huge difference due to TP scaling.
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By Asura.Sechs 2023-12-13 06:23:04
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1) Horn
2) Scythe
3) losta stuff
4) more stuff
5) yet more stuff
6) Sword

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By Asura.Itsasaga 2023-12-13 09:17:54
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Derp! erm... I mean, Earp!
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By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-12-13 10:00:09
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Dubaiii said: »
is their now a tier list of best or must have Prime weapons?
The best weapon is the one for the job you play the most and best geared.
Posts: 9,218
By SimonSes 2023-12-13 10:12:30
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Dubaiii said: »
is their now a tier list of best or must have Prime weapons?
The best weapon is the one for the job you play the most and best geared.

Exactly Primes are weapons to enhance your favorite job to make it even better. They are not required to beat something, unless it's some self limited challenge and access to some skillchain might be a deciding factor.
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By Asura.Saevel 2023-12-13 10:20:46
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Of the ones we've used, the Horn is awesome in situations where you can go nuts with defense down. Afterwards we've seen the Great Sword, Scythe and Bow be great. Sarv is stupid good, like hilariously almost OP level good. A STR + AGI Archery WS is just really powerful.
Posts: 194
By Atrox78 2023-12-13 10:43:02
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As indicated above, it's subjective (aside from the Horn. I agree that it is the best).

Highest dmg per ws = 2 handed > one handed
Highest dps= jobs that gain tp fastest 2 handed > one handed.
Most Utility = Scythe > all.

My experience (ones I've seen in action) is limited to Pokearm ( personally have), scythe, dagger, GK and gun. Guy who has the gun is on cor and not super happy with it but that's to be expected cough scavenge cough.

These are stage 4 only. Not sure if any changes happen at stage 5.

In short, all of then, even one handed weapons are close to if not the most damaging weapons in thier class and are worth making IMHO.
By Dodik 2023-12-13 10:46:07
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Surprising no one, brd gets another super powerful instrument that will be "demanded" in groups.

Beyond that, from what I've seen the scythe is great, WS seems a bit weaker than the other two handed WS, though obviously has more utility.

The other two handers are pretty close it seems. On Sam masa doesn't get much use anymore with GK stage4.

Bow is great. Gun is.. useful? Idk what rng would choose gun over bow or what cor actually wants to use gun to its fullest given all the other options cor has.

Generally all the weapons give best physical WS options and good aftermaths.

Staff aftermath makes Sch into a top tier nuker using just tier 3 spells. I'd assume it boosts smn magical blood pacts similarly also.

If I mained Pup I'd definitely go for the h2h weapon just for the pet lvl increase. Ditto for bst with axe and smn with staff.
Server: Shiva
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user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2023-12-13 12:00:35
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I main WAR and made Prime GA(currently stage 4), its good, but I still use all my others situationally and actually more often than my Prime for the most part. What it really did for me is provide a very strong Darkness GA option without having to resort to the less favorable Polearm and or Scythe. Conqueror is just a JA swap for me at this point, Chango is still solo sc king in my opinion. Ukon AM is beastly and I use mostly in segment farms. Relic is just collecting dust in wardrobe. Probably would have got more use out of Prime GS in theory because I use Resolution a lot in Sortie, but I chose GA for the above and because I wanted the complete collection lol. It's more about the collection at this point in the game for me anyhow. Its another tool in the toolbox basically.
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By SimonSes 2023-12-13 13:28:59
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Dodik said: »
scythe is great, WS seems a bit weaker than the other two handed WS
I think you have seen some underbuffed DRK with it or non Warcry Savagery buffed DRK vs Warcry Savagery buffed other 2h Primes.
Origin hits like a truck.
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By Asura.Melliny 2023-12-13 13:34:52
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Sarv is stupid good, like hilariously almost OP level good. A STR + AGI Archery WS is just really powerful.

Do we have much info on Sarv's mods? The wiki hasn't been updated at all.
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