Dodik said: »
Another thing I've noticed trying this addon is when it chooses a target, switching to another target via the 'Switch target' menu item does not work.
You are stuck on the target ATA chose until it is dead or you manually disengage and re-engage on something else.
Switching targets is sometimes needed when it chooses a target other people have also switched to. Disengaging and re-engaging is a big slowdown in this case.
You are stuck on the target ATA chose until it is dead or you manually disengage and re-engage on something else.
Switching targets is sometimes needed when it chooses a target other people have also switched to. Disengaging and re-engaging is a big slowdown in this case.
ATA does not stop you from targeting manually. There may be cases where the specific timing of the server's reply changes your target back, but that's purely coincidence. For instance: ATA picks a new target, injects incoming and outgoing packets. You decide you want to manually target something else before the server reply reaches you, then the reply from the original target switch comes in and changes your target back. I have tried to put in measures to reduce the chances of this happening but haven't yet figured out how to make it foolproof.
But, again, there is nothing in it that prevents you from manually switching your target. Also if you find yourself targeting something you don't want to there is the //ata next command which will force the addon to run through it's logic again to select the next best target according to your settings, other than what you're engaged to, and send all the relevant packets again. The visual enemy list is also clickable for precision targeting if you prefer that method.