There is a small problem.
In the current version he displays a recast counter for Ready Charges.
It calculates fine, but it displays awful
It shows around 9 decimal places out on the seconds which causes the normal text to shift to the left and blink rapidly.
Can anyone show me how to use a function or limit the number of decimal places to 0 or 1 ?
below is the functions:
windower.register_event('prerender', function() if self then if self.main_job == 'BST' then duration = windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[102] if duration then chargebase = (30 - merits - jobpoints - equip_reduction) charges = math.floor(((chargebase * 3) - duration) / chargebase) next_ready_recast = math.fmod(duration,chargebase) displayabilities() end end end end)
Maybe its better to modify the abilty recast variable in the following function instead. I'm really not sure.
function displayabilities() if pet then local list = "Charges: "..charges.." - "..next_ready_recast.."\n" for key,ability in pairs(abilitylist) do ability_en = res.job_abilities[ability].en ability_type = res.job_abilities[ability].type ability_targets = res.job_abilities[ability].targets ability_charges = res.job_abilities[ability].mp_cost if ability_targets.Self == true and ability_type == 'Monster' then if charges >= ability_charges then list = list..'\\cs(0,255,0)'..ability_en..'\\cs(255,255,255)'..'\n' else list = list..'\\cs(255,255,255)'..ability_en..'\n' end end end abilities_list.value = list abilities_list:visible(true) else abilities_list:visible(false) end end