Share Your Custom FFXI UI

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Share your custom FFXI UI
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Sylph.Shiriokumo 2020-09-14 19:02:29
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that would only apply if you wrote it at work and pertains to your company and what they do, not in your free time at home. because that's what 99.99% of employment contracts state.
By Draylo 2020-09-14 19:03:02
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Why do people like all that junk on the screen? When you can easily use shortcuts to type it out just as quickly as clicking. I could see if its a big screen size, but a lot of people I see using it don't use that xicamera to zoom out, and its like they have a screen with tons of clutter covering the actual game.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Aliekber
Posts: 7
By Carbuncle.Aliekber 2020-09-14 20:22:28
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I've filed for permission to release XIVCrossbar, so it should be approved in a few weeks. I'm going to use the intermediate time to try and make it easier to set up. For anyone who would like a notification when it's ready, I will direct message everyone who has +1ed this comment once it's available to download. (So don't +1 unless you want a notification!)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Aliekber
Posts: 7
By Carbuncle.Aliekber 2020-09-14 20:36:11
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Sylph.Shiriokumo said: »
that would only apply if you wrote it at work and pertains to your company and what they do, not in your free time at home. because that's what 99.99% of employment contracts state.
Yeah, but it's no skin off my back to go through channels given that I need a few weeks to make it usable for people other than me, and for jobs other than BLU, NIN and DNC anyway (since they're what I've focused on for 99% of development). Your patience will be rewarded, I promise!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2020-09-15 04:43:05
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Can't wait to mess with it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: zart
Posts: 158
By Asura.Zart 2020-09-15 17:18:51
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I'm still using old fashioned FFXI macros and equip sets because I cant customize luas to my liking. I like be able to backup my macro and equip set data onto FFXI actual servers.

I just tested and verified all of these symbols. They can be copied(control+C) and pasted(control+V) into macro headings, chat prompts or aliases:
← ↑ → ↓ ★ ☆ ■ □ ▲ △ ▼ ▽ ◆ ◇ ● § α Γ π Σ σ µ τ

○: (actually appears to be a larger circle in FFXI game)

Φ Θ Ω δ ∞ φ ε ∩ ≡ ± ° ♂ ♀ ♪

Using equip sets and macros does have its benefits. For one its a lot easier to customize gear sets at a moments notice, as equip sets can be toggled and altered in game without alt tabbing.

Not to mention the frustrations that comes with editing luas, I really tried to make Luas for my BLM. It even loaded successfully but, it just wouldn't work..

I also use aliases as many players know but, just to teach you a few examples in game you can type:
//alias 1 input /item "Echo Drops" <me>;
so now you can type:
and it will use echo drops.

another example of streaming two aliases together is:
//alias z1 input /p Player 1→Player2 your up!
//alias z2 input /p Player1 Burning Blade→ Player2 Flat Blade = Fusion please! <call21>
//alias z z1; wait 2; z2

again you would type:
and it would ask for the designated players to perform a Fusion skillchain.

this is beneficial for omen job card farm party as you have strict time restraints. Also, you can type these aliases into game with the auto translate feature and the alias will repeat them. Which you cant do from scripts as far as I know.

another example of effective aliases usage is for trading in items for things like Einherjar and Meeble Burrows is:
//alias 2 input /targetnpc; wait 1; input /item "Smouldering Lamp" <t>

//alias 3 input /targetnpc; wait 1; input /item "Diligence Grimore" <t>

Otherwise, you would have to either open your trade window, and re target the npc each time or you would have to use a macro slot which takes up valuable limited macro slot.

Lastly I do put a lot of thought behind organizing my macros and I made a Excel spread sheet here:

you can copy and paste into your own google spreadsheet or into microsoft excel. I think I went into enough detail for now. If requested, I'm able to share how I organize my WHM macros. Although, I am planning to overhaul my complete macro and equipset system I currently have soon.
Guide Maker
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Bahamut.Brixy 2020-09-15 18:18:50
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Final UI post lol. I condensed my UI a little, main change was redesigning xivparty. I slimmed it down and dropped my chat box down to match it, increasing the amount of free screen space. Buffs are slid closer to the players names, the main job and subjobs are colored now and I also put a custom cursor for the menu. The texts are also custom now for most of xivparty and I bumped up the colors for hp/mp/tp bars. I removed infobar for now and hid ffxidb offscreen (there is an on and off toggle when I need to use it). All that trouble for about an extra inch of screen XD. It all lines up better now though!

New vs Old:
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2020-09-16 09:14:05
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New update for XIVHotbar last night.

Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2020-09-16 09:19:23
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Bahamut.Brixy said: »

me trying to see what you changed
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: daiiawn
Posts: 37
By Asura.Daiiawn 2020-09-16 10:15:09
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Seeing 2 issues with the new version

1: No longer unable to remove the hotbar numbers (can still remove the battle/field indicator just not individual numbers). I may have just lost the setting in my file, if so let me know what it is and I can retry

2: Having <HideEmptySlots>true</HideEmptySlots> set floods console wit
"Lua rumtime error: xivhotbar/lib/ui.lua:815: attempt to call method 'hide_recast' (a nil value)". I assume linked to me not having all hotbar slots populated

Also, is there a way to set corsair rolls up to share the recast of phantom roll? I tried adding corsair rolls yesterday and all worked, but no recast showing on them which was a shame
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2020-09-16 11:15:26
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insert "hide_recast(self, row, slot)" in 815
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2020-09-16 11:18:01
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I've reported a few other bugs to him. If you find anything else, let me know.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: daiiawn
Posts: 37
By Asura.Daiiawn 2020-09-16 11:54:16
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Carbuncle.Razziel said: »
I've reported a few other bugs to him. If you find anything else, let me know.

Oh apologies thought you were the guy who made it lol! I'd already figured out the same fix for the hide icons thing, but ty :D (also the corsair thing does work, i was just typing names wrong >.>)
Posts: 130
By Aliekber 2020-10-03 23:25:05
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Shameless plug now that I've made XIVCrossbar public: Link to XIVCrossbar Forum Post
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [141 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34
By Asura.Kegfreak 2021-02-22 09:18:48
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I’m necrobumping this because it’s amazing, I’m going to start looking into this tonight
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kaelan
Posts: 25
By Asura.Kaelann 2021-03-07 01:41:07
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"Mom can I have XIV"
"No, we have XIV at home"

XIV at home:

Getting back into XI after a break and I liked Brixy's edits, so I spent some time tweaking things myself. Still need to make some changes, but I like where it is so far.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shadowwww
Posts: 88
By Asura.Shaedhen 2021-03-07 02:24:06
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This looks really neat !
Where does the target bar come from ? Is it something you made yourself ? I like it a lot.
Would you be willing to share your addons folder ? It would be awesome.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Yukisoba
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Yukisoba 2021-03-07 08:17:57
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All I want is a small addon that can move where the pet HP is, because I use partybuffs addon and it covers where my Luopan HP is :|

Anyone got any of those?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hobbes423
Posts: 34
By Asura.Aessk 2021-03-07 11:13:58
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Asura.Kaelann said: »
"Mom can I have XIV"
"No, we have XIV at home"

XIV at home:

Getting back into XI after a break and I liked Brixy's edits, so I spent some time tweaking things myself. Still need to make some changes, but I like where it is so far.

I really like the clean stats and equipment box there. I recognize the inventory, giltracker and obviously equipviewer. But where does the background and stat tracking come from?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kaelan
Posts: 25
By Asura.Kaelann 2021-03-07 19:02:39
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The target bar is Akaden's enemybar2, with some small tweaks to the code to change where things are displayed.

The stats come from a modified version of GearInfo. Honestly the code for that addon is a bit of a mess, so I'm considering rewriting my own version of it to add better support for stuff like configuring fonts and number of rows/columns displayed. Right now you have to edit the code directly to do any of that.

The XIV job icons, the background and job/sub job display are things I added myself to XIVParty and EquipViewer. You can't really tell from the screenshot, but I also fixed a couple of other things that were bothering me, like XIVHotbar not being able to correctly auto-assign icons for SPs, Weapon Skills or JAs that share the same recast timer.

Asura.Shaedhen said: »
Would you be willing to share your addons folder ? It would be awesome.

I have a small list of things I still want to tweak or change about all of these addons that I'm in the process of working on. When I get through all of those, I wouldn't mind sharing the changes. I can probably make a Github for my addons folder including just the UI stuff.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shadowwww
Posts: 88
By Asura.Shaedhen 2021-03-08 02:51:44
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Asura.Kaelann said: »
I have a small list of things I still want to tweak or change about all of these addons that I'm in the process of working on. When I get through all of those, I wouldn't mind sharing the changes. I can probably make a Github for my addons folder including just the UI stuff.

That would be perfect ! Just the UI stuff is indeed what I was looking for.
Posts: 104
By Tathamet 2021-03-17 14:27:14
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Asura.Kaelann said: »
I have a small list of things I still want to tweak or change about all of these addons that I'm in the process of working on. When I get through all of those, I wouldn't mind sharing the changes. I can probably make a Github for my addons folder including just the UI stuff.

Can't wait! Looks really clean and puts my mess of a UI to shame. Just a bunch of random crap everywhere.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Finea
Posts: 58
By Ragnarok.Finea 2021-03-18 04:51:16
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I've seen added TargetBar for mob health just above my own timers, but this is mine:

And here's which is what:

Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Riiari
Posts: 1
By Pandemonium.Riiari 2021-03-29 00:10:37
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Asura.Kaelann said: »
The target bar is Akaden's enemybar2, with some small tweaks to the code to change where things are displayed.

The stats come from a modified version of GearInfo. Honestly the code for that addon is a bit of a mess, so I'm considering rewriting my own version of it to add better support for stuff like configuring fonts and number of rows/columns displayed. Right now you have to edit the code directly to do any of that.

The XIV job icons, the background and job/sub job display are things I added myself to XIVParty and EquipViewer. You can't really tell from the screenshot, but I also fixed a couple of other things that were bothering me, like XIVHotbar not being able to correctly auto-assign icons for SPs, Weapon Skills or JAs that share the same recast timer.

Asura.Shaedhen said: »
Would you be willing to share your addons folder ? It would be awesome.

I have a small list of things I still want to tweak or change about all of these addons that I'm in the process of working on. When I get through all of those, I wouldn't mind sharing the changes. I can probably make a Github for my addons folder including just the UI stuff.

I know you mentioned you might be willing to share your changes at a later date, but wondering if you could share the name of the font you are using for EnemyBar and XivParty?
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [52 days between previous and next post]
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4,578
By Cerberus.Kylos 2021-05-19 20:48:02
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Does anyone know how you change the colours of the HP/MP/TP bars in XIVparty? I've tried over and over by putting colour codes in to the layout.lua file, but they just stay white forever. Have unloaded and loaded again after saving new codes in the foreground bars. I even tried making new files for the bars and directing to them, but it didn't work either.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4,578
By Cerberus.Kylos 2021-05-20 19:58:11
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Ok I finally figured it out. Instead of changing the layout.lua file, you type the command //xp layout [file].

I was looking for some colour and the ffxi1080p file gives that. Typing //xp layout ffxi1080p puts this right. Type //xp layout ffxi1440p if you want that resolution. No need to change the layout.lua file.

I assume if you want to custom make, you change the XMLs in the layouts folder, not the base .lua file. Hope it helps anyone else looking for this.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [162 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 5
By michalmichal 2021-10-30 04:40:59
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This is mine. I really like it. Everything has it's place and doesn't clutter the screen. Information doesn't repeat (party list covers the default one). There is only 1 thing missing. Currently I don't see mp cost of abilities.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [34 days between previous and next post]
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Khajit
Posts: 446
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2021-12-03 00:11:40
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How do you make the background in xivparty opaque?
I'm trying to mess around with my UI and there's no room whatsoever for xivhotbar to squeeze in without completely cramping my chat log unless I cover my.
Is there also a way to make xivparty work with <stpt>?
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