How's Bahamut?

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How's Bahamut?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Roderic
Posts: 3
By Bahamut.Roderic 2020-09-02 14:51:08
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Wow. YTMND. Memories
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Eloc
Posts: 55
By Leviathan.Eloc 2020-09-02 16:51:43
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »

I love it....Asura is the CA of FFXI....and Bahamut is the CO. Frighteningly accurate.

Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3
By Bahamut.Aeonova 2020-09-02 19:20:28
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So, in order to get an idea of how to answer the OP's thread title question, I did the deed. I made a fresh character on Bahamut to experience how others play. I took notes on some things of interest. Here they are in no particular order.

1. There is only one JP seller yelling and they yell at exact 10 minute intervals so that is a change of pace from Asura where there are at least 5 people yelling to sell JP at any given time and they are riding the cool down timer of yell hard.

2. There is quite a bit of people with hodge-podge gear walking about. Sets that seem to be mid-completion towards something. I'm used to seeing people walking around in town in full idle sets with maximized refresh/regen/-DT/movement. Not to say the players I see are bad in any way. It just kind of surprised me how people don't walk about in idle sets as much.

3. It's weird not having 25 people AFK around nearly every in-city homepoint.

4. It was quite refreshing not having crafting shield bots hogging all the quest item dropping monsters. I was able to get my entire Bastok 1-3 Quadav Fetich piece set with no competition. No bot running back and forth at LV51~55 level cap items either.

5. Yell is nearly dead silent. I had expected less yelling, but did not expect no yelling. I yelled when Fire weather popped in the d00ns and it stayed in the list of most recent yells on this site for several hours. Someone sent me a tell thanking me, so at least I helped one person by breaking the silence.

6. The people are basically the same. I picked up a linkshell and found people that were nice. They talk about the same things we talk about in my linkshell on Asura. I never bought into the "Asura players are the worst" thing because I knew better and it was nice to have it proven to me via first-hand experience.

7. It's weird having things on AH sit on AH for more than a single day. Initially, on a brand new character on Asura, I would begin accumulating money by farming certain things. To start, it's Mandragora Dewdrops and Bee Pollen for the RoV quests and/or Gausbit Grass for the chocobo license quest, and then I move to farming things that sell even higher as my level increases. With the population of Asura always bringing in new characters, Dewdrops and Pollen are always quick sellers for decent gil to get me into my initial magic scrolls and such. It was weird having them both sell for less and take longer to sell.

These are just a few notable things that respond towards the OP's question. Hope this insight helps a bit. I'll make note here of anything else I notice.

Edit: Oh, and while it's not every time I zone, I do often end up being able to see Apururu's Unity chat a lot more often. That's nice if I was trying to do some Domain Invasion. Currently leveling WAR, MNK, THF, RDM, BLM, and WHM to 50 while I try to decide a main though so Domain Invasion is still far off.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2020-09-05 11:52:31
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If you're gonna jump from Asura to Bahamut, don't bring Asura with you, you jumped for a reason...

Posts: 15,249
By Pantafernando 2020-09-05 11:57:40
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Bahamut.Aeonova said: »

Then you become a Persian?

Subliminal message here?
Guide Maker
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Bahamut.Brixy 2020-09-05 13:24:32
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Imagine swapping servers because of the yell spam, only to then spam yells trying to sell PLing and then getting mad because people don't care for it here lol. I'll PL you for free
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Popeh
By Bahamut.Popeh 2020-09-06 06:10:34
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
If you're gonna jump from Asura to Bahamut, don't bring Asura with you, you jumped for a reason...

As soon as people start spamming endlessly most of the population want you to gtfo the server. Everyone knows where you've come from and struggling to comprehend why you left. New market?
Posts: 4,903
By RadialArcana 2020-09-06 06:42:57
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If I had to bet, I would say that person just came to your server to buy lots of stuff off the auction house to resell on Asura. He probably had no intention of staying there and was just spamming to try make gil while waiting on the CD to swap back.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: hydro
Posts: 130
By Bahamut.Aquatic 2020-09-06 08:15:33
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Even so, it's starting to get annoying. A few nights ago I saw shouts for Omen midboss items... A few of us were amazed people are coming here and offering to merc stuff you can easily get for free if you honestly just join a Social LS. WelcomeHome LS does omen and that's a Social Shell to get new and returning players on their feet.

I understand you need to make money, but this isnt the culture here. I've been on this server since 2005, it's NEVER been the culture here to be lazy. There's no demand for it.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-09-06 18:03:25
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Bahamut.Aquatic said: »
Even so, it's starting to get annoying. A few nights ago I saw shouts for Omen midboss items... A few of us were amazed people are coming here and offering to merc stuff you can easily get for free if you honestly just join a Social LS. WelcomeHome LS does omen and that's a Social Shell to get new and returning players on their feet.

I understand you need to make money, but this isnt the culture here. I've been on this server since 2005, it's NEVER been the culture here to be lazy. There's no demand for it.
This right here is perfect. This server has never been good for lazy people or people who wanna be carried or hand holding. You made friends and made sure you knew the jobs you played and the game. People want everyone to drop everything and run to help them when you could put a party together and setup times to do stuff.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Vires
Posts: 43
By Bahamut.Viers 2020-09-06 18:33:44
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We've made a mistake boys. Now we keep getting asura refugees. Need to tell them our server is terrible and to stay on asura.

Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-09-06 18:50:49
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Bahamut.Viers said: »
We've made a mistake boys. Now we keep getting asura refugees. Need to tell them our server is terrible and to stay on asura.

Guy seems stupid and just burned himself in the long run. Thinks people should be paying SE to help others when we people have shells. They need to lock this server back like they did 10 years ago. Bahamut was better when we had maxed people and no transfers
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2,326
By Bahamut.Negan 2020-09-06 19:54:27
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Bahamut players can do their part! Now available!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Svedin
Posts: 37
By Bahamut.Svedin 2020-09-06 19:54:53
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Bahamut.Negan said: »

Posts: 42,727
By Jetackuu 2020-09-06 19:55:13
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Bahamut.Negan said: »
Are you doing your part?
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-09-06 20:00:40
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Bahamut.Viers said: »
We've made a mistake boys. Now we keep getting asura refugees. Need to tell them our server is terrible and to stay on asura.

My favorite part is he needed help to kill Escha Ru'ann T1-T3s. Enough to shout for an hour then snap when he didn't get any responses for 5/6 WHM or GEO.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Anaurine
By Bahamut.Angenard 2020-09-06 20:02:08
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Bahamut.Viers said: »
We've made a mistake boys. Now we keep getting asura refugees. Need to tell them our server is terrible and to stay on asura.

Bahamut.Aquatic said: »
Even so, it's starting to get annoying. A few nights ago I saw shouts for Omen midboss items... A few of us were amazed people are coming here and offering to merc stuff you can easily get for free if you honestly just join a Social LS. WelcomeHome LS does omen and that's a Social Shell to get new and returning players on their feet.

I understand you need to make money, but this isnt the culture here. I've been on this server since 2005, it's NEVER been the culture here to be lazy. There's no demand for it.
Say hello to ma boi Alakaz! Tabarnak! <3
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Anaurine
By Bahamut.Angenard 2020-09-06 20:03:32
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Bahamut.Viers said: »
We've made a mistake boys. Now we keep getting asura refugees. Need to tell them our server is terrible and to stay on asura.

You got this ma boi! Flex on em!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2,326
By Bahamut.Negan 2020-09-06 20:42:06
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COME BACK! I SEE YOU LURKING! I can teach you how to tank on RUN!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: digoserra
Posts: 269
By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2020-09-06 21:25:42
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Bahamut.Viers said: »
We've made a mistake boys. Now we keep getting asura refugees. Need to tell them our server is terrible and to stay on asura.
Or we can suggest them another server, I've heard that Ifrit and Remora have been very welcoming for asurans these days.

I'd love to learn that! ;)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2020-09-06 21:35:05
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Prong said: »
My favorite part is he needed help to kill Escha Ru'ann T1-T3s. Enough to shout for an hour then snap when he didn't get any responses for 5/6 WHM or GEO.

He was shouting for vagary '17/18' then 14/18 like 30mins before the timestamps in Viers's post. Then Delve for 5mins, then sneaks in Escha~Sky "3mil, 2 spots left, all free lot"

[then complained about how he's TRYING to help us (the server i assume)]


Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Vires
Posts: 43
By Bahamut.Viers 2020-09-06 21:42:39
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Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
[then complained about how he's TRYING to help us (the server i assume)]

Obviously we need help here. :)
Posts: 12
By Noscrilla 2020-09-06 21:56:16
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That Negan is one sexy mofo.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Vires
Posts: 43
By Bahamut.Viers 2020-09-06 22:25:54
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Noscrilla said: »
That Negan is one sexy mofo.

RL picture btw, dang silver fox
By Afania 2020-09-06 22:28:26
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Bahamut.Negan said: »
Bahamut players can do their part! Now available!

Well, if you all use yell channel like a chat channel then of course there will be yell scrubs popping everywhere :p

Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-09-06 22:29:08
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Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
Prong said: »
My favorite part is he needed help to kill Escha Ru'ann T1-T3s. Enough to shout for an hour then snap when he didn't get any responses for 5/6 WHM or GEO.

He was shouting for vagary '17/18' then 14/18 like 30mins before the timestamps in Viers's post. Then Delve for 5mins, then sneaks in Escha~Sky "3mil, 2 spots left, all free lot"

[then complained about how he's TRYING to help us (the server i assume)]



At least when Dwightschrute starts shouting, he repeats his shout once every 45-65 seconds, in case you missed it. Courteous.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2,326
By Bahamut.Negan 2020-09-06 22:32:10
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Afania said: »
you all
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-09-06 22:33:19
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Afania said: »
Bahamut.Negan said: »
Bahamut players can do their part! Now available!

Well, if you all use yell channel like a chat channel then of course there will be yell scrubs popping everywhere :p

Victim shamer!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2020-09-06 22:44:56
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Don't come to Bahamut, this is what happens when you come to Bahamut, you've been warned

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