Corona Virus, How Has It Affected Your Area So Far?

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Corona Virus, How has it affected your area so far?
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 15:48:18
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
60 hours in a factory for $10 an hour is slave labor for slave pay
So, that equates to $700/week, which is more than some people who make livings working at fast food joints (assuming you mean 60 hours a week).

Besides, $700/week is considered the top 1% wage earner in the world. Some countries don't even have rulers who make that much in a week.

But you wouldn't know that, you seem like the type of person who demands $100k/minute for jacking off.

If I had a dollar for everytime.... erp.... NVM.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2020-04-14 16:10:56
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Montreal waited way too long to apply social distancing.
Not sure I agree with this. The day Quebec started closing everything, we were still only at 13 cases. We mostly got screwed because our spring break is earlier than other places. So by the time our PM started closing businesses and borders, the kids had already returned home.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 16:12:57
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But seriously I want to know how my math is wrong based on hard data.

44k recovered, 24k dead. Total of 68k cases we know the result of contracting this virus. That is a mortality rate based on official number we have. The only way you would try to calculate lower than that is if you based on confirmed vs. death only.

The confirmed cases do not automatically mean you survive, that is inconclusive reasoning.

Facts are facts. 68k cases in the US. Over 30% of those are now dead.

Not trying to fear monger, not saying the actual mortality rate is 30%. But based on the track record thus far. There is a 30% chance you could die if you contract this virus in the US, right now.

Sometimes numbers are just that. What you see is what you get. Trying to confuse the scoreboard with some complicated algebra formula does not change the hard numbers.

68k total cases that have been closed. 24k dead. Where did YOU learn your math?
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2020-04-14 16:22:34
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Leviathan.Draugo said: »
But seriously I want to know how my math is wrong based on hard data.

44k recovered, 24k dead. Total of 68k cases we know the result of contracting this virus. That is a mortality rate based on official number we have. The only way you would try to calculate lower than that is if you based on confirmed vs. death only.

The confirmed cases do not automatically mean you survive, that is inconclusive reasoning.

AFAIK many old people died within 10 days after getting the virus, but to be fully recovered it takes 3 weeks to 1+ month.

I wouldn't say all active cases will have 30% death rate since full recovery often takes much longer.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 16:23:41
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Until we have more data. I stand by the actual numbers we are currently at.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2020-04-14 16:24:49
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Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
but he could be educated on a better mask to wear.

The resources are pretty scarce on that right now. In my town, hardly anyone is wearing masks, I wouldn't even know where to find some to buy right now, I don't have a sewing machine to crank out some sort of custom job either.

Educating mask usage I think is pretty nil if the supply of them is non existent.
If you want to get a regular cotton mask, lots of people selling them on etsy for $10-15. Try to get one with more than 2 layers of cotton. My wife made me a mask with 2 layers of cotton and 1 layer of felt, and another one with 3 layers of cotton. I like the 3 layers of cotton better because you can't breath through the felt, so it just sucks the air from around the mask.

Leviathan.Draugo said: »
The cops deciding to take it upon themselves to fine the piss out of people who aren't even able to make their pay check is pretty disgusting too.

And I agree why the *** is home depot allowed to be open if the cops can fine every single person who is walking out of them. That is some straight up abuse of power. *** cops.

It's also a bit scary to be setting precedent like that. It's very inconsistent nation wide too. My town, thank God, they haven't started in on that *** yet.
Cops should not be ticketing people. This is BS. And the worst part is that most of the cops I've seen harassing people aren't even wearing any masks or gloves themselves.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-04-14 16:31:23
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
I'll never understand why we're so complacent with that.

The thought of living paycheck to paycheck like that and your entire universe revolves around working a shitty job that you can't quit and you can't take a day off because you will lose literally everything is worse than death.

Far too often I question why we just let ***like that slide. Why is it reasonable to work slave labor for slave pay with zero sick days and constant fear of replacement. Why is it ok to make a speeding ticket cost and entire weeks salary. Why do we put up with more commercials than content. How have ads in general gotten so pervasive and all we do is complain but take it up the *** anyway. Why do we just let the price of literally everything go up but the pay stay the same. Why is a HOUSE that's a "necessity" to live cost more than minimum wage will pay in 10 years. and why are people allowed to buy and sell houses in the first place. I mean I can go on for days.

For the first time in our lifetimes we have the ability to fix it all. But we won't.

I've thought quite a bit about this, especially the past few years being the US is currently in an ideological civil war, politically. To be up front, I once was quite liberally minded in my youth on most topics and that has slowly but surely edged to the right as I have aged/become more wise.

Now I can truly see both sides of this argument, but the answer most would give to the question is, if we are giving people "well off" pay (let's be honest, that is what pay is when you can miss weeks of work and still get by) for doing zero education required tasks, how do we then incentivize people, in general, to take on that extended educational burden and prepare themselves for much more complex, much more difficult jobs that fill their lives with much more stress than you would get working the till at Walmart? Let's be honest, most people who "try harder" when it comes to school/life do so for the hopes of a greater reward, a better life than those who don't. If we start paying drive-thru employees $45,000 a year many, many are going to just say, "ok, *** college, *** continued training...sign me up, McD's." Plus, every service, every product will simply cost more due to having to pay more for the labor. So we'd be at square one again, but, with higher paychecks.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2020-04-14 16:33:37
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Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
US pushing an over 30% end resulting death vs recovery now.

That's not how that number works.

The current rate is about 3.4% but that is a global average and varies accordingly to population makeup and quality of healthcare. These are also reported cases and not total cases, most who are infected won't even know they are as their body fights it off quickly. Again it's not that this is some sort of dangerous evil T-virus with a high mortality rate, it's that this stuff is so contagious that it can spread quickly through a population and infect those most vulnerable.

Most infections go like this. You get infected, within a few days you feel sick and either self-quarantine (stay home) or go see a doctor, either case your effectively isolated from the population at large. This means a virus only has a few days to infect other hosts before it's movement is restricted.

Now COVID-19 is like this. You get infected, don't feel anything for a few weeks, then you feel sick and either stay home or go see a doctor. Now in this scenario the virus has had something like 400 or 500% more time to spread. Multiply this out and it can get a foothold in a population before they even know it's there, meaning the old and immune compromised get infected through sheer volume.

Umm that's exactly what is reflected in those numbers, confirmed cases do not automatically mean that you gonna live. I am basing my 30ish% based on known out comes. Recovered vs. death. 30% of the closed cases resulted in death.

Your post is going on and on about "we don't know exact numbers blah blah blah'

I am stating a pretty obvious fact based on numbers we do know. I.E, 2 outcomes death, and recovery. And that number is over 30% for known outcomes.
Draugo is correct

United StatesUnited States

Deaths / (Deaths + Recoverd) = mortality rate on closed cases.


Saying it's over 3% means you assume all the confirmed cases that have not yet died will survive. It doesn't work that way.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 16:34:50
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That has been the day one flaw in communism. If everyone is rewarded equally, why bother trying to excel at anything.
By 2020-04-14 16:39:39
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2020-04-14 16:39:54
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
I'd just like to point out you are discrediting WHO and using random youtube videos as viable sources. I'm not going to put in efforts for you sorry.

Not sure if it was a self brag or something but anyways ... I'm very knowledgeable on web research as it relates directly to my job. Unless your first hand information on these things are directly taken from scientific data / research which went through the scientific process, it's worthless and also not first hand. News from X country in X language doesn't matter.

I'd also like to put emphasis on going through the scientific process because you'll always be able to find a scientist somewhere who will make certain wild claims and believe anything.
Are you saying the WHO based anything on science? I really hope you aren't. The WHO are traitirs to humanity. All they did was lick boot to China and sacrificed everyone else.
By 2020-04-14 16:44:33
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 16:45:20
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kireek said: »
Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Not trying to fear monger, not saying the actual mortality rate is 30%. But based on the track record thus far. There is a 30% chance you could die if you contract this virus in the US, right now.

The problem is that most people who are infected have no or minor symptoms and so are never tested and added to the infected numbers, so you're only counting the infected that have compromised immune systems.

The actual number of infected is much higher and could be massively higher, as such the mortality rate will be much much lower when the real numbers are used and when they account for people who have strong immune systems.

It's like going to a captain marvel fansite and asking if they liked the movie, 1000 people reply and 99% of them say the movie is great. That does not mean 99% of the people that went to see the mnovie liked it, most of the people who saw the movie didn't answer your question.

Based on the track record so far. 35% of known closed cases have died....

Your analogy is flawed.

Conflating any other number out of assumptions that more people are sick vs confirmed cases.

68k people sought medical attention enough to get counted. 24k of those people died. That is what I am pointing out. "The best medical system in the world" and 30%+ died.

The number will go down. Statistics are only as good as the data can define. Our current statistic, in the US, is 35% death. Hard numbers I know are difficult to spin around in illogical manners.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2020-04-14 16:46:56
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Prong said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
I'll never understand why we're so complacent with that.

The thought of living paycheck to paycheck like that and your entire universe revolves around working a shitty job that you can't quit and you can't take a day off because you will lose literally everything is worse than death.

Far too often I question why we just let ***like that slide. Why is it reasonable to work slave labor for slave pay with zero sick days and constant fear of replacement. Why is it ok to make a speeding ticket cost and entire weeks salary. Why do we put up with more commercials than content. How have ads in general gotten so pervasive and all we do is complain but take it up the *** anyway. Why do we just let the price of literally everything go up but the pay stay the same. Why is a HOUSE that's a "necessity" to live cost more than minimum wage will pay in 10 years. and why are people allowed to buy and sell houses in the first place. I mean I can go on for days.

For the first time in our lifetimes we have the ability to fix it all. But we won't.

I've thought quite a bit about this, especially the past few years being the US is currently in an ideological civil war, politically. To be up front, I once was quite liberally minded in my youth on most topics and that has slowly but surely edged to the right as I have aged/become more wise.

Now I can truly see both sides of this argument, but the answer most would give to the question is, if we are giving people "well off" pay (let's be honest, that is what pay is when you can miss weeks of work and still get by) for doing zero education required tasks, how do we then incentivize people, in general, to take on that extended educational burden and prepare themselves for much more complex, much more difficult jobs that fill their lives with much more stress than you would get working the till at Walmart? Let's be honest, most people who "try harder" when it comes to school/life do so for the hopes of a greater reward, a better life than those who don't. If we start paying drive-thru employees $45,000 a year many, many are going to just say, "ok, *** college, *** continued training...sign me up, McD's." Plus, every service, every product will simply cost more due to having to pay more for the labor. So we'd be at square one again, but, with higher paychecks.
I don't think you can compare someone working any job within the Mc Donald's universe with say, a factory job. Both have the same requirements, none, yet one will take its toll on your body and mind while the other won't whatsoever.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-04-14 16:53:03
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Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
Prong said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
I'll never understand why we're so complacent with that.

The thought of living paycheck to paycheck like that and your entire universe revolves around working a shitty job that you can't quit and you can't take a day off because you will lose literally everything is worse than death.

Far too often I question why we just let ***like that slide. Why is it reasonable to work slave labor for slave pay with zero sick days and constant fear of replacement. Why is it ok to make a speeding ticket cost and entire weeks salary. Why do we put up with more commercials than content. How have ads in general gotten so pervasive and all we do is complain but take it up the *** anyway. Why do we just let the price of literally everything go up but the pay stay the same. Why is a HOUSE that's a "necessity" to live cost more than minimum wage will pay in 10 years. and why are people allowed to buy and sell houses in the first place. I mean I can go on for days.

For the first time in our lifetimes we have the ability to fix it all. But we won't.

I've thought quite a bit about this, especially the past few years being the US is currently in an ideological civil war, politically. To be up front, I once was quite liberally minded in my youth on most topics and that has slowly but surely edged to the right as I have aged/become more wise.

Now I can truly see both sides of this argument, but the answer most would give to the question is, if we are giving people "well off" pay (let's be honest, that is what pay is when you can miss weeks of work and still get by) for doing zero education required tasks, how do we then incentivize people, in general, to take on that extended educational burden and prepare themselves for much more complex, much more difficult jobs that fill their lives with much more stress than you would get working the till at Walmart? Let's be honest, most people who "try harder" when it comes to school/life do so for the hopes of a greater reward, a better life than those who don't. If we start paying drive-thru employees $45,000 a year many, many are going to just say, "ok, *** college, *** continued training...sign me up, McD's." Plus, every service, every product will simply cost more due to having to pay more for the labor. So we'd be at square one again, but, with higher paychecks.
I don't think you can compare someone working any job within the Mc Donald's universe with say, a factory job. Both have the same requirements, none, yet one will take its toll on your body and mind while the other won't whatsoever.

That's a tough one. Though I agree, people who actually are required to do more "physically" difficult work should get higher pay (i.e. loggers, miners, crab boat workers...) and, they do...I can personally attest that working at fast food joints can SUCK. I've worked at McDonalds (when I was 18), I literally threw cabinets (the title on my paycheck was Cabinet Thrower) at a cabinet factory warehouse, lifted 21 tons per day, I've worked in a paper mill, which was super easy compared to the others, etc. So, simply working at a factory doesn't mean your job is hard, at all. It depends on the job you have in that factory and what they do.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 16:54:16
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Would it be better to say, if this virus infects you while you are in the US. And you seek medical treatment and get counted in the tally, you are looking at a 35% chance of dying, now that you are in the system?

Either way, the numbers are there, 68k, 24k dead.

That is a pretty decent number grab of data we have confirmed.

If you want to argue over total cases vs. confirmed, be my guest.

Out of the sample group 35% have died so far, that's another way of saying it.


That's the way statistics work, you have a criteria, you count as many as you can within that criteria, you draw conclusions based on data. The data we have sais specifically that 35% of people in the US have died as an end result of contracting this illness.

Spin it however you like. Doesn't change a fact.
By 2020-04-14 16:57:41
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 470
By Asura.Wormfeeder 2020-04-14 17:01:21
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Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Would it be better to say, if this virus infects you while you are in the US. And you seek medical treatment and get counted in the tally, you are looking at a 35% chance of dying, now that you are in the system?

Either way, the numbers are there, 68k, 24k dead.

That is a pretty decent number grab of data we have confirmed.

If you want to argue over total cases vs. confirmed, be my guest.

Out of the sample group 35% have died so far, that's another way of saying it.


That's the way statistics work, you have a criteria, you count as many as you can within that criteria, you draw conclusions based on data. The data we have sais specifically that 35% of people in the US have died as an end result of contracting this illness.

Spin it however you like. Doesn't change a fact.

Your facts are wrong!!! 610k people in the USA have contracted the virus and 25,600 have died. that is only 4% that have died, in the USA.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 17:07:14
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Income level is based solely on what that job provider is willing to pay a person to perform. Dipshits can have high paying jobs because the employer values that person retaining that position at that income level.

Genius people can decide they are perfectly fine with accepting a lower paying job.

The choice is yours, unlike in communist countries, on where you want to get your income.

So, people who complain about their pay scale really only have themselves to blame.

First you get a job, then you get a better job. If your employer doesn't want to pay you what you think you are worth move on. The employer will get the hint that he needs to pay more if no one is willing to accept the job based on pay. But that is rare, because there will always be someone willing to fill the position for less.

Because not everyone is accustomed to living in lavishness, they are happy to accept that wage.

TL:DR, get a better job if you feel undervalued, and to those who say that I can't, then maybe you aren't as special as you think, I know it is a hard pill to swallow. If you find yourself wanting a better job, but aren't valued across the board with all employers. Then you can do one of 2 things, self improvement, or accept yourself for who you are.

Communism even globally will not encourage people to motivate and improve themselves, because... Why bother? Why should I exceed quotas if the other jackass on my assembly line only hits about half of his quota, but is rewarded equally for different results.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 17:07:56
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Asura.Wormfeeder said: »
Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Would it be better to say, if this virus infects you while you are in the US. And you seek medical treatment and get counted in the tally, you are looking at a 35% chance of dying, now that you are in the system?

Either way, the numbers are there, 68k, 24k dead.

That is a pretty decent number grab of data we have confirmed.

If you want to argue over total cases vs. confirmed, be my guest.

Out of the sample group 35% have died so far, that's another way of saying it.


That's the way statistics work, you have a criteria, you count as many as you can within that criteria, you draw conclusions based on data. The data we have sais specifically that 35% of people in the US have died as an end result of contracting this illness.

Spin it however you like. Doesn't change a fact.

Your facts are wrong!!! 610k people in the USA have contracted the virus and 25,600 have died. that is only 4% that have died, in the USA.

Learn to recognize the difference between confirmed, and closed cases bud.

Edit: I'll give you a hint, the confirmed cases have neither died yet, nor have they recovered. So seems like you can see the future, what's next week's winning lotto numbers?
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-14 17:14:55
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Confirmed =/= actual though. We will never know the actual...err..actual number, but we can make some educated guesses as to the number after it's all said and done...
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 17:16:10
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Confirmed =/= actual though. We will never know the actual...err..actual number, but we can make some educated guesses as to the number after it's all said and done...

Agreed, we don't know the overall rate. But we have a pretty good knowledge of our track record so far.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 17:30:19
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Let me put it a different way. Out of all the cases so far that have been attempted to be treated SO FAR we have a success rate of 65%. That is what I am trying to point out. Out of everyone who has been treated, and we see a conclusion to that treatment, 35% have died.

Never once said that those numbers reflect actual mortality rate. Never once said anything about infection rates. I am pointing out results. No assumptions, not averages, hard numbers.

Treated and cured vs. treated and died.

That's pretty severe, no matter how you look at it. You have a better chance at beating cancer AT THIS RATE.
By 2020-04-14 17:40:04
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 17:40:38
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Or inflation.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-14 17:51:10
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DirectX said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Besides, $700/week is considered the top 1% wage earner in the world. Some countries don't even have rulers who make that much in a week.
Comparing income between countries is irrelevant if you don't take into account living costs.
That's the beauty of it though.

$700/week can not only cover your basic living costs, but also get you some really neat ***. I mean, you are basically making the average wage in Italy. And it's barely making less than the average Brit per year. And that's double what the actual average wage for the world (it's $1,480/month, or $370/week). And that's on the low end of income in the US, the average wage is $63,080/year.

So, not only can you survive on $700/week, but actually thrive.

So, tell us again how making $10/hour is considered slave wages again?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1755
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-04-14 17:56:04
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Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Let me put it a different way. Out of all the cases so far that have been attempted to be treated SO FAR we have a success rate of 65%. That is what I am trying to point out. Out of everyone who has been treated, and we see a conclusion to that treatment, 35% have died.

Never once said that those numbers reflect actual mortality rate. Never once said anything about infection rates. I am pointing out results. No assumptions, not averages, hard numbers.

Treated and cured vs. treated and died.

That's pretty severe, no matter how you look at it. You have a better chance at beating cancer AT THIS RATE.

Utterly false presentation of numbers. In the US alone hundreds of thousands of cases "have been attempted to be treated". There's an innumerable number of cases that are being treated in hospitals, treated thru self-isolation, or monitoring via distance appointments over phone, not to mention the likely millions of people who are positive but never experienced symptoms, or haven't yet. One does not simply look at the closed cases vs the fatalities and call that the full picture- the reasons that a case isn't closed yet are all over the place.

This is no different than when all this first started in the United States and people saying "why are we shutting down over 200 deaths? The flu kills tens of thousands in the United States alone every year and we never shut down for that!"- its a lack of seeing things in a long term picture vs a snapshot of numbers for that day. Cases take weeks to "close"...many of those still open cases are likely very healthy individuals already in recovery, but not enough time has passed to "close" the case.

AFTER we start regularly seeing fewer cases daily for weeks, then about a month after that we'll have numbers of closed cases that allow a cleaner breakdown. Until then, can we once again all chill out with trying to be Sanjay Gupta and just let the numbers develop? Or better yet, listen to those who have dedicated lives to these things?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2020-04-14 18:08:02
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Prong said: »
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
Prong said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
I'll never understand why we're so complacent with that.

The thought of living paycheck to paycheck like that and your entire universe revolves around working a shitty job that you can't quit and you can't take a day off because you will lose literally everything is worse than death.

Far too often I question why we just let ***like that slide. Why is it reasonable to work slave labor for slave pay with zero sick days and constant fear of replacement. Why is it ok to make a speeding ticket cost and entire weeks salary. Why do we put up with more commercials than content. How have ads in general gotten so pervasive and all we do is complain but take it up the *** anyway. Why do we just let the price of literally everything go up but the pay stay the same. Why is a HOUSE that's a "necessity" to live cost more than minimum wage will pay in 10 years. and why are people allowed to buy and sell houses in the first place. I mean I can go on for days.

For the first time in our lifetimes we have the ability to fix it all. But we won't.

I've thought quite a bit about this, especially the past few years being the US is currently in an ideological civil war, politically. To be up front, I once was quite liberally minded in my youth on most topics and that has slowly but surely edged to the right as I have aged/become more wise.

Now I can truly see both sides of this argument, but the answer most would give to the question is, if we are giving people "well off" pay (let's be honest, that is what pay is when you can miss weeks of work and still get by) for doing zero education required tasks, how do we then incentivize people, in general, to take on that extended educational burden and prepare themselves for much more complex, much more difficult jobs that fill their lives with much more stress than you would get working the till at Walmart? Let's be honest, most people who "try harder" when it comes to school/life do so for the hopes of a greater reward, a better life than those who don't. If we start paying drive-thru employees $45,000 a year many, many are going to just say, "ok, *** college, *** continued training...sign me up, McD's." Plus, every service, every product will simply cost more due to having to pay more for the labor. So we'd be at square one again, but, with higher paychecks.
I don't think you can compare someone working any job within the Mc Donald's universe with say, a factory job. Both have the same requirements, none, yet one will take its toll on your body and mind while the other won't whatsoever.

That's a tough one. Though I agree, people who actually are required to do more "physically" difficult work should get higher pay (i.e. loggers, miners, crab boat workers...) and, they do...I can personally attest that working at fast food joints can SUCK. I've worked at McDonalds (when I was 18), I literally threw cabinets (the title on my paycheck was Cabinet Thrower) at a cabinet factory warehouse, lifted 21 tons per day, I've worked in a paper mill, which was super easy compared to the others, etc. So, simply working at a factory doesn't mean your job is hard, at all. It depends on the job you have in that factory and what they do.
Here they don't necessarily get higher pay, that's an issue. They get a "bonus" based on how "annoying" their job can be, that's it. Then, when it starts taking its toll on them and they start piling up disabilities, they get bigger bonuses.

All of this leads to them retiring with <1000$ per month.

But here there is a big difference between Mc Donald's jobs and factory jobs (I obviously meant manual jobs, not the sit back relax ones): one is literally a turn over simulator while the other is still seen as a lifelong career for most.

Asura.Kingnobody said: »
DirectX said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Besides, $700/week is considered the top 1% wage earner in the world. Some countries don't even have rulers who make that much in a week.
Comparing income between countries is irrelevant if you don't take into account living costs.
That's the beauty of it though.

$700/week can not only cover your basic living costs, but also get you some really neat ***. I mean, you are basically making the average wage in Italy. And it's barely making less than the average Brit per year. And that's double what the actual average wage for the world (it's $1,480/month, or $370/week). And that's on the low end of income in the US, the average wage is $63,080/year.

So, not only can you survive on $700/week, but actually thrive.

So, tell us again how making $10/hour is considered slave wages again?
700$/week is actually pretty decent. I've seen people pull some seriously shady ***to earn this much here.
It's pretty much considered the "second step" that most people will never reach, in France. We even give people a special status for reaching this kind of salary (not mandatory but heavily encouraged), giving them more benefits.

Anyone calling this slave level is seriously disconnected lol.
By 2020-04-14 18:08:10
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Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 18:11:38
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You skipped over half of my point, even after including it in the quote. SO FAR, out of the cases that have concluded. 35% have died.

Concluded cases are a pretty good snap shot of how effectively this is being treated SO FAR.

The open cases are a whole different data set. The closed cases tell us that we are not doing well right now (these numbers have risen btw, last week it was around 20-25%).

The trend, until it starts changing, is indicating that our medical system is only about 65% effective in treating these cases so far.

The future will have different numbers, maybe worse, maybe better. As it stands now, since confirmed cases can still go either way, we have a success rate on record of 65%.

Period, confirmed cases are a straw man, anyone using them is not facing reality.

The reality is recovered vs. death period. Of all of the cases that have had an outcome, we are losing 1/3rd.

A lawyer has 1000 cases, out of those 1000, he has had a judgement on 100 of them, 70% he won, 30% he lost. It is not hard to predict that the remaining 900 cases on his desk, will most likely retain that percentage, unless something changes.
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