New Dragon-Mireu
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-15 13:08:51
Whining about daily cap when they purposely want you to play daily obviously isnt going to work
No one wanting to do the new punishment, might
You aren't going to win every battle. But you lose every battle you don't even attempt. Miss 100% of the shots you don't take etc
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-02-15 13:15:54
They did revert the WHM changes and change the RDM relic aug placements after some of their complaints.
And completely ignored when people asked that the same be done for ninja. They don't always respond to feedback that makes sense. Only when their changes make them look like complete fools (BST Ready moves)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2020-02-16 03:12:00
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »It never ceases to amaze me how people don't see the big picture of how most things do impact others. For example, if Asura wasn't known as "The only active server in the game" and population was better spread out across the servers, either Asura wouldn't be as insanely stacked as it is, and/or people would have other options they feel they could transfer to without any real loss of quality.
I've always been from Asura since NA launch. I care because I honestly feel a more even distribution would be ideal imo.
People from Asura get hosed with the influx of players. Yes if we were bottom of the barrel server population we might feel other wise but the people that have been here for years before all of this feel we're overcrowded at this point.
Little bit of irony in the fact that Asura people want other servers merged so they don't have to deal with as much population as they have. You know you guys could leave Asura, right?
Smaller servers have a much higher density of active players who are willing to network and get content done(by necessity, because if they didn't, they would've given up and gone to Asura by now). Combining 5 of them won't make a second asura, it'll make a queue hell and reduce the gameplay experience for as many people as it helps(or more).
I'll agree it sucks for people who started on Asura and never signed up for it, but where were you when everyone was screaming 'come to Asura it's bigger here!'? This is a self imposed problem, and even if there were merges it'd just be a matter of time until it happened again.
Leaving doesn't fix anything. I don't watch his stream all that often, but I remember Ejin checking the AH and taking like two weeks for him to find a Moonlight ring. Why would I want to move to another server and risk losing access to crafted gear, as I have basically on (gil) demand on Asura?
You're allowed to criticize something and not have your only other option be the complete and total extreme opposite. Criticizing capitalism doesn't mean your ideal is 1950's China.
I came to Asura almost 5 years ago from Shiva, my buddy (who became my 3rd character years later) wanted to jump to Asura during a cheap transfer time, I didn't really have much attachment to people still on the server, so I went with him. But the server is...pretty dead these days. The shouts listed on AH from Shiva span the last 10 hours, the last 25 sales of Ea Hat +1 goes all the way back to early November and my 3rd alt just got herself access to wear the set. I very likely may have quit XI for good if I had never made this transfer.
There's absolutely nothing wrong, or "ironic" about wanting there to be a more even population across servers. Asura absolutely is where the action is at, and overall, that's a giant boon to those playing on the server. There are also some clear negatives like queue times, crazy lag for DI at times, etc. but it's still been amazing for my enjoyment of FFXI compared to my dead old server. I'd prefer to have a few less on servers so that the lag/queue issues aren't there, but I could still enjoy a vibrant, moving economy. However the only way to ever achieve that would be for SE to have a more active hand in it. I don't expect it to ever happen, as I think they make plenty of money on transfers, but that doesn't make the desire any sort of an issue.
By Siren.Mosin 2020-02-16 09:39:55
I’m having a ball on shiva and I will continue to. people’s preferences differ yo.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2020-02-16 10:12:01
Apparently it died again on bahamut this morning. That's 3 kills, surprised people are still doing it.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 273
By Bahamut.Balduran 2020-02-16 13:03:58
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »Apparently it died again on bahamut this morning. That's 3 kills, surprised people are still doing it.
Ya lol, I went at the last like 10%, couldn't see or target the dragon for like 10 minutes, then when enough people died it finally popped on my screen and was at around 2% lol, killed it and got the 80p :D
I'd say majority of the players present were from the Japanese community.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 195
By Bahamut.Minimuse 2020-02-16 15:36:17
I believe in you Asura! You'll network enough to get Mireu under control!
17 years ago, ALL SERVERS present were like Asura and most people did not have broadband. Lag and latency issues were bad even for the JP population.
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »Apparently it died again on bahamut this morning. That's 3 kills, surprised people are still doing it.
@Bahamut.Lexouritis...Please do not merc Mireu. I'm going to loan Xiutaru my bonsai tools if you do.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Carbuncle.Ziekwalt 2020-02-16 16:11:06
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »Apparently it died again on bahamut this morning. That's 3 kills, surprised people are still doing it.
Ya lol, I went at the last like 10%, couldn't see or target the dragon for like 10 minutes, then when enough people died it finally popped on my screen and was at around 2% lol, killed it and got the 80p :D
I'd say majority of the players present were from the Japanese community. Everyone knows a Japanese players gets free brews 24/7
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2020-02-17 10:53:40
Thanks for the 20 DI points, I guess.
By orangemanbad 2020-02-17 11:18:22
I hope they introduce a new Dragon that is tougher than this one.
By orangemanbad 2020-02-17 11:19:35
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »It never ceases to amaze me how people don't see the big picture of how most things do impact others. For example, if Asura wasn't known as "The only active server in the game" and population was better spread out across the servers, either Asura wouldn't be as insanely stacked as it is, and/or people would have other options they feel they could transfer to without any real loss of quality.
I've always been from Asura since NA launch. I care because I honestly feel a more even distribution would be ideal imo.
People from Asura get hosed with the influx of players. Yes if we were bottom of the barrel server population we might feel other wise but the people that have been here for years before all of this feel we're overcrowded at this point.
Little bit of irony in the fact that Asura people want other servers merged so they don't have to deal with as much population as they have. You know you guys could leave Asura, right?
Smaller servers have a much higher density of active players who are willing to network and get content done(by necessity, because if they didn't, they would've given up and gone to Asura by now). Combining 5 of them won't make a second asura, it'll make a queue hell and reduce the gameplay experience for as many people as it helps(or more).
I'll agree it sucks for people who started on Asura and never signed up for it, but where were you when everyone was screaming 'come to Asura it's bigger here!'? This is a self imposed problem, and even if there were merges it'd just be a matter of time until it happened again.
Yea I'm going to pay to go to a server with nothing on the AH and about 5 people in a linkshell. That sounds like fun sign me up !
So on this dead server. The only option I have is to do stuff with my linkshell. I have to schedule everything around the linkshell. I can't play the game when I want to. So if you miss the linkshell event you are ***out of luck. Because dead servers had almost zero pick up group activity.
By missdivine 2020-02-17 14:35:23
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »It never ceases to amaze me how people don't see the big picture of how most things do impact others. For example, if Asura wasn't known as "The only active server in the game" and population was better spread out across the servers, either Asura wouldn't be as insanely stacked as it is, and/or people would have other options they feel they could transfer to without any real loss of quality.
I've always been from Asura since NA launch. I care because I honestly feel a more even distribution would be ideal imo.
People from Asura get hosed with the influx of players. Yes if we were bottom of the barrel server population we might feel other wise but the people that have been here for years before all of this feel we're overcrowded at this point.
Little bit of irony in the fact that Asura people want other servers merged so they don't have to deal with as much population as they have. You know you guys could leave Asura, right?
Smaller servers have a much higher density of active players who are willing to network and get content done(by necessity, because if they didn't, they would've given up and gone to Asura by now). Combining 5 of them won't make a second asura, it'll make a queue hell and reduce the gameplay experience for as many people as it helps(or more).
I'll agree it sucks for people who started on Asura and never signed up for it, but where were you when everyone was screaming 'come to Asura it's bigger here!'? This is a self imposed problem, and even if there were merges it'd just be a matter of time until it happened again.
Either you're trolling or clueless about how low server population impacts gameplay that requires more players to get things done. An empty server affects other players that don't have the budget to pay 10 accounts to be successful. I suggest visiting official forums so you can get a clear picture of what's really going on. Other servers but Asura are almost non-existent. 2 or 8 active players multiboxing content to death on a linkshell won't cut it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,621
By Shiva.Onorgul 2020-02-17 15:09:26
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »I came to Asura almost 5 years ago from Shiva, my buddy (who became my 3rd character years later) wanted to jump to Asura during a cheap transfer time, I didn't really have much attachment to people still on the server, so I went with him. But the server is...pretty dead these days. The shouts listed on AH from Shiva span the last 10 hours, the last 25 sales of Ea Hat +1 goes all the way back to early November and my 3rd alt just got herself access to wear the set. I very likely may have quit XI for good if I had never made this transfer. For what it's worth, I started playing on Asura back at the NA launch some time before the dinosaurs died. It was *** awful. Back then it was a server full of self-aggrandizing jackasses. When I decided to start anew, I was offered a place on Alexander and leapt for it.
Having most recently played on Shiva, since that's what Alexander got rolled into... there's a lot more going on than just shouts. And there's plenty of bored players that can basically say, "Hey, wanna go do X?" and you'll have half a party immediately. Yes, the AH is not always packed to the gills but... it's your own ego that tells you to get an Ea Hat +1 over a basic Ea Hat. Possibly the most relevant stat on the HQ is the 10 extra Magic Evasion.
If your tolerance for *** is sufficient, stick with Asura. But it's 2020 and no server is remotely as busy as they were even 10 years ago. Maybe roll with that? I'm fairly certain the majority reason people want server merges is so they can stroll around town in their white-box gear in hopes of making some pleb envious. Little secret: the majority of us plebs just wanna know what the model is because Fashion Fantasy XI is the real name of the endgame.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 443
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2020-02-17 15:51:41
Mireu has 1688 evasion and -97% resistance to geo debuffs (from atwiki guys)
By Pantafernando 2020-02-17 15:59:19
Ugh why putting this shitty resistance for an all server event?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-02-17 16:00:41
I assume so you can't have 10 random idris geos and max debuff it to oblivion.
By Pantafernando 2020-02-17 16:02:02
But this mob has high enough defenses and we cant rely on buffs. Suposelly debuff was the alternative.
By Pantafernando 2020-02-17 16:04:18
It sounds like devs arent satisfied with both SMN and GEO.
New content with geomancy resitance, BP resistance...
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-17 16:09:17
Jesus Jumping Christ -97% Geo resist? what the actual *** is wrong with them. Why 97% just make it immune at that point.
Instead of addressing GEO as a job, just keep making more and more geo resistant mobs and events.
There is no *** excuse for that. and 150 million HP. That's crackhead ***.
This is all going to come crashing down eventually. Instead of fixing every problem in the game they just keep making more and more absolutely ridiculous restrictions. Fix GEO? nah, just make things resist geomancy. Fix smn? nah, just make things resist pacts. Fix soul eater? nah, just make things resist soul eater. Fix BLM? nah just make everything meva higher. Fix blu? nah, just dont give any new gear. Fix shield? nah just give pld aoe cures. It regoddamndiculous.
By SimonSes 2020-02-17 16:14:19
I tho my Box step was only a small bonus on top of geo buffs. Looks like it was one of the main def debuffs XD Unless it has resistance to Steps too XD
By Pantafernando 2020-02-17 16:18:17
I was about to check every buff/debuff one can stack to make this viable. Removing GEO from that, I guess who should shine is RDM, SMN, added status effect WS.
Do SMN buffs go outside party? I remember healing ruby used to hit everyone. And geo magic from trust?
By SimonSes 2020-02-17 16:19:51
Either you're trolling or clueless about how low server population impacts gameplay that requires more players to get things done. An empty server affects other players that don't have the budget to pay 10 accounts to be successful. I suggest visiting official forums so you can get a clear picture of what's really going on. Other servers but Asura are almost non-existent. 2 or 8 active players multiboxing content to death on a linkshell won't cut it.
You are aware that there are servers with like 25% of Asura population (or maybe more, not sure)?
We have 645 ppl on Bahamut now (right before NA prime I guess, but this server has more JP players I think) and keep in mind we have way less bots. How many people is online on Asura now?
By SimonSes 2020-02-17 16:28:52
I was about to check every buff/debuff one can stack to make this viable. Removing GEO from that, I guess who should shine is RDM, SMN, added status effect WS. Def down category: BST (-33%), BLU also has -33% option, but with short duration and long recast > Angon = Def down WSs = tenebral Crush (25%)
Steps category: Box step -23%
Dia III with light shot: -23%
By Pantafernando 2020-02-17 16:36:46
Eh I just had an insight but it would be epic if we had dozen of PUPs throwing automatons on Mireu.
After all, with right attachment, they would suffer less from evasion, defense and mainly have enough PDT to resist Spike Flail. The only question is if they would have enough dps.
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-17 16:46:13
Eh I just had an insight but it would be epic if we had dozen of PUPs throwing automatons on Mireu.
After all, with right attachment, they would suffer less from evasion, defense and mainly have enough PDT to resist Spike Flail. The only question is if they would have enough dps.
Nope. Even if 100 ranger pups overdrive they're not going to touch a hundred and fifty million hp. (you only need 42000 total dps for 150m over an entire hour, that's not unreasonable)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-02-17 16:46:53
Spike Flail shouldn't kill normal melees in capped PDT and topped off HP, which can be easily done with just the Domain Invasion body piece alone. Bets are off if you have Berserk/Last Resort/Counterstance up, though.
By SimonSes 2020-02-17 17:12:47
Even if 100 ranger pups overdrive they're not going to touch a hundred and fifty million hp.
Have you actually tried to calculate this?
OD automaton can probably do like 500k damage in 3+ min? Probably more actually. x100, thats at least 50M, but probably more. Now, you will have another OD ready before fight is over, so you would need to make another 50M in 40+ minutes before ODs, which is EASILY doable.
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-17 17:18:52
They only have to do ~500 dps each for an entire hour including 2 overdrives. I don't see it being realistic.
it's an over the top absolutely never happen scenario. can't even get 100 bodies to do it let alone 100 pups.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2020-02-17 17:20:36
Hardest part would getting that many people to have the dragon load for them.
We got the dragon to spawn on Asura and have 80+ fighting it. In 30 minutes we only got it down to 75%.......It takes additional dmg when it uses magic and TP moves also requires High acc 1250