A Gearswap Academia - Class 4 |
A Gearswap Academia - Class 4
You're doing great so far in keeping it simple. One caveat and I'm sure it might be discussed or planned to be brought up in a future thread.
JAs and Catch Alls in general will work for all jobs. However, some jobs will require you to identify and call out specific JA categories. Example for instance, Rune Fencer: Code function precast(spell,act) if spell.type == 'JobAbility' then if sets.JA[spell.english] then equip(sets.JA[spell.english]) end end Will still need the following to cover all JA's: Code if spell.type == 'Ward' then equip(sets.JA[spell.english]) end if spell.type == 'Effusion' then equip(sets.JA[spell.english]) end end Just pointing this out for anyone that's going along on a job other than the example RDM template. One will run into the odd occurrence of the catch all not applying to all their defined JA sets. Luckily there is a built in resource directory to identify " Right here is exactly the place to post about those type of caveat as it's very on topic with this part! You are right and I had forgotten about the ward / effusion.
However, simply restructuring the function this way: Code function precast(spell) if spell.type ~= 'JobAbility' then equip(sets.precast.casting) end if sets.ja[spell.name] then equip(sets.ja[spell.name]) elseif sets.ws[spell.name] then equip(sets.ws[spell.name]) end end Should keep the catch all spirit as regardless of the "sub directory ja" such as wards and effusion, they'll just be caught on by name with a set like sets.ja['Valiance']. Explanation of the restructure: By ending the first if checking for the "JobAbility" type with "end" and moving on completely with a new if after instead of the previous "elseif", catching a set by spell name no longer require it to be a JA, it can now be anything as long as a matching set name exist. That's because the check is now independant of the result of the previous type check since we removed the "elseif" for a new if. Asura.Elizabet said: » Right here is exactly the place to post about those type of caveat as it's very on topic with this part! You are right and I had forgotten about the ward / effusion. However, simply restructuring the function this way: Code function precast(spell) if spell.type ~= 'JobAbility' then equip(sets.precast.casting) end if sets.ja[spell.name] then equip(sets.ja[spell.name]) elseif sets.ws[spell.name] then equip(sets.ws[spell.name]) end end Should keep the catch all spirit as regardless of the "sub directory ja" such as wards and effusion, they'll just be caught on by name with a set like sets.ja['Valiance']. Explanation of the restructure: By ending the first if checking for the "JobAbility" type with "end" and moving on completely with a new if after instead of the previous "elseif", catching a set by spell name no longer require it to be a JA, it can now be anything as long as a matching set name exist. That's because the check is now independant of the result of the previous type check since we removed the "elseif" for a new if. Can I just say, the sets.<precast/midcast> convention isn't absolutely necessary. I understand why people use it, but if you're not going to use it universally you should probably drop it. I only say this because in this example you're using: sets.precast.casting sets.ja You should probably use sets.precast.ja, or drop precast from casting, or rearrange it to sets.casting, cause then you can do sets.casting.precast and sets.casting.midcast The other way do deal with special JAs like wards, or corsair rolls is instead of abbreviating your categories, you can spell them out. Code sets.precast.JobAbility = {} sets.precast.Ward = {} sets.precast.Effusion = {} sets.precast.CorsairRoll = {} sets.precast.CorsairRoll["Tactician's Roll"] = {} sets.precast.CorsairShot = {} sets.precast.CorsairShot["Light Shot"] = {} sets.precast.WeaponSkill = {} function precast(spell) if sets.precast[spell.type] then if sets.precast[spell.type][spell.name] then equip(sets.precast[spell.type][spell.name]) else equip(sets.precast[spell.type]) end else equip(sets.precast.casting) end end In the interest of making more compact code, you can also get rid of one level or <if/then> in my senario above if you want.
Code function precast(spell) if sets.precast[spell.type] then equip(sets.precast[spell.type][spell.name] or sets.precast[spell.type]) else equip(sets.precast.casting) end end |
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