PUP Gearswap (Testers Needed)
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 09:51:00
Updated: 08/06/2019
Official release can be found here: Offical Releases
Some features:
Informational HUB Window
Auto Maneuvers (Completely Optional. You still have to cast the initial Maneuvers, this just attempts to keep up what you put yourself. You are not locked into anything even if you have turned on this feature, you can simply keep changing at will without this ever activating on its own).
Emergency Lock for Pet DT Set (this will prevent all swaps from happening)
Special Pet Modes and Styles that affect the behavior of the gearswap
Enmity Gear Swapping
Weapon Skill Gear Swapping prior to puppet using the best we can to predict. This also depends on the Pet Mode and Pet Style.
Automation in most areas to help you determine the best Idle Mode, Offense Mode, Hybrid Mode, etc. (Hitting F12 will also help refresh armor in the event something odd happens.)
Special Mode for Trusts when you are engaged, want to focus on pet gear only
For controller users, we do have corresponding commands you can macro!
You can find a current list of the features and plans for improvement on Github for this gearswap:
Offical Releases
Main Stable Gearswap
Main Development Gearswap
Always looking for testers!
Also, feel free to join us on our Discord Channel for discussions, development, testing of this gearswap (all are welcome, don't have to know how to code):
Inivte Link
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 14:24:51
Yout Pet Provoke set isn't working, I am messing with it now and fixing it.
also it be a good idea to make a Cycle Function with keybinds (Based on Mote)
F9 !F9 ^F9 F10 !F10 ^F10 F11 !F11 ^F11 F12 !F12 ^F12
!F8 ^F8 !F7 ^F7
(I do enjoy the way it's written but it feels like its lacking a lot of functions here ><)
Also be sweet to add some other functionalities to the GS such as adding a better way to mod the % of TP needed to switch gear for WS (I noticed it is set for near 900's) would be better to set a bit higher maybe, cuz pet doesn't actually WS till 1,100+
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 15:27:38
I have been considering adding in Motes for more functionality.
Thanks for the feedback Kuroganashi. Yea, I haven't really tested the normal abilities too much yet. Mostly been focused on getting the puppet parts working from Faloun's version.
I'll definitely take a look as well.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 15:56:46
I have been considering adding in Motes for more functionality.
Thanks for the feedback Kuroganashi. Yea, I haven't really tested the normal abilities too much yet. Mostly been focused on getting the puppet parts working from Faloun's version.
I'll definitely take a look as well.
I Mod it and made it more user-friendly (For now) cuz I am testing it.
so far all works Except for the fact its a pain to swap between Sets (DD /TANK /MAGE) ><
I think its a Great GS tho (I am truly impressed by this work)
let me know if you add other functions, I can send what I did to you, not much different tho, but been testing only, so not caring for Aesthetics, just worried about if it works or not)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-12-08 16:02:52
I am adding a link to some of the stuff in my modified mote's.
I didn't do all the changes but I did some.
I would rather add functionality to a good lua than build functions separately. I agree w/ Kuroganashi about keeping more functionality.
Pup's have gone w/ out Faloun's swaps for pet gear for along time. I don't really want to give up all my other functionality in order to get this one good thing.
Also, the reason Sammeh and Falkirk disabled the auto-swap functions for provoke and flash are because they are not often worth it. You lose so much pet-dt when swapping to pet-enmity, that you lose a ton of Enmity from the damage pup takes while swapping gear.
For tanking, its usually better to keep the DT gear on. However, for Weaponskill gear, thats a complete non-issue.
Anyway, here is my chopped up lua
some of the functionas are modified, and some of the commented out stuff is work in progress. but I like it for having all the stuff for different subjob choices: dnc whm war, etc.
the utility options for whatever subjob or kiting/acc modes etc are invaluable imo.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 16:08:10
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I am adding a link to some of the stuff in my modified mote's.
I didn't do all the changes but I did some.
I would rather add functionality to a good lua than build functions separately. I agree w/ Kuroganashi about keeping more functionality.
Pup's have gone w/ out Faloun's swaps for pet gear for along time. I don't really want to give up all my other functionality in order to get this one good thing.
Also, the reason Sammeh and Falkirk disabled the auto-swap functions for provoke and flash are because they are not often worth it. You lose so much pet-dt when swapping to pet-enmity, that you lose a ton of Enmity from the damage pup takes while swapping gear.
For tanking, its usually better to keep the DT gear on. However, for Weaponskill gear, thats a complete non-issue.
Anyway, here is my chopped up lua
some of the functionas are modified, and some of the commented out stuff is work in progress. but I like it for having all the stuff for different subjob choices: dnc whm war, etc.
the utility options for whatever subjob or kiting/acc modes etc are invaluable imo.
Agreed (I truly like the way its written tho, however, missing out on 90% of the functionality is also not a good thing, about swapping gear for provoking and flash, Its an interesting concept nonetheless.)
I Would like to see if we can work together to make "The Ultimate" Gearswap for PUP :)
Hit me up if you interested.
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 16:08:17
Yes, keybinds will help with the switching between different sets for puppet. For the time being, I did have //gs c predict for what its worth.
Was already considering one for Pet Mode and another to switch the Pet Style.
For now, I was focused on getting it working functionally, then smoothing out further for user experience, hence the testers needed for further feedback. :D
Only so much I can catch on my own. lol.
Once you feel its tested feel free to send my way. I've added a few more changes relating to the puppet functionality. I noticed that if you had strobe attached and not flashbulb (vice versa) it could potentially lock you in the enmity set. After I get this tested I'm going to push to a Github and link it back on here.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 16:10:54
here is what I managed (Raw still but works for the time being for "Testing purposes only" however, if I were to polish it, I would definitely add an array so you can "Cycle" through them)
Just thinking cuz that is usually what most ppl are accustomed to.
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 16:18:17
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I am adding a link to some of the stuff in my modified mote's.
I didn't do all the changes but I did some.
I would rather add functionality to a good lua than build functions separately. I agree w/ Kuroganashi about keeping more functionality.
Pup's have gone w/ out Faloun's swaps for pet gear for along time. I don't really want to give up all my other functionality in order to get this one good thing.
Also, the reason Sammeh and Falkirk disabled the auto-swap functions for provoke and flash are because they are not often worth it. You lose so much pet-dt when swapping to pet-enmity, that you lose a ton of Enmity from the damage pup takes while swapping gear.
For tanking, its usually better to keep the DT gear on. However, for Weaponskill gear, thats a complete non-issue.
Anyway, here is my chopped up lua
some of the functionas are modified, and some of the commented out stuff is work in progress. but I like it for having all the stuff for different subjob choices: dnc whm war, etc.
the utility options for whatever subjob or kiting/acc modes etc are invaluable imo.
Thanks, I'll take a look! I'm sure we can capture a lot of that functionality without too much issue.
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 16:19:38
Kuroganashi would the array in the PUP_Utility.lua work for your needs? Starts around line 125.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-12-08 16:23:52
I'm interested, I just kinda suck at lua.
the functions I was trying to build in onto the pup lua are to add a Toggle for swapping weapon on or off. Like Falkirk's bst lua, which is where alot of stuff in this lua are taken from.
It works a little when in idle set and mode is selected. but not for when engaged. and it started throwing an error in some circumstatnces.
I also built a table for pet mode selection. I like Mote's selection function, but I think the selection doesn't match gameplay. for example, most pup tanks use soulsouther head w/ valoredge frame. Mote's selection function whould maek this a healing bot, which is most definitely is not.
I tried to build a table that assigns a mode for any head/body combination.
However it doesn't work. It kept getting locked in non-mode. so I rem'd it out and just made a button toggle to select modes instead, which I forget to use 1/2 the time. Fixing that pet mode auto-selection would be a great feature.
I would love to add Faloun's automaton weaponskill prediction and equip swapping fit in here. I've read thru his functions, but like I said, I kinda suck at lua.
I really like how Arrchie has cleaned up Faloun's lua (cuz Faloun's was kinda hard to read). but I actually find it harder to test when so much of the generic functionality is not available.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 16:30:13
Kuroganashi would the array in the PUP_Utility.lua work for your needs? Starts around line 125.
no, I dislike to have (Utility) files all over, would rather be included on same GS (like Xilkk's GS is Code state.OffenseMode:options and something like Falkirk's Pet Selection would be sweet Code state.JugMode = M{['description']='Jug Mode', 'Meaty Broth', 'Airy Broth', 'Livid Broth', 'Saline Broth', 'Bubbly Broth', 'Windy Greens', 'Furious Broth', 'Seedbed Soil'}
JugPet = {name="Meaty Broth"}
send_command('bind ^f7 gs c cycle JugMode')
-- Set up Reward Modes and keybind Ctrl-F8
state.RewardMode = M{['description']='Reward Mode', 'Theta', 'Pet Roborant'}-- 'Eta', 'Zeta', 'Pet Poultice', 'Epsilon'
RewardFood = {name="Pet Food Theta"}--Pet Fd. Epsilon
send_command('bind ^f8 gs c cycle RewardMode')
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I'm interested, I just kinda suck at lua.
the functions I was trying to build in onto the pup lua are to add a Toggle for swapping weapon on or off. Like Falkirk's bst lua, which is where alot of stuff in this lua are taken from.
It works a little when in idle set and mode is selected. but not for when engaged. and it started throwing an error in some circumstatnces.
I also built a table for pet mode selection. I like Mote's selection function, but I think the selection doesn't match gameplay. for example, most pup tanks use soulsouther head w/ valoredge frame. Mote's selection function whould maek this a healing bot, which is most definitely is not.
I tried to build a table that assigns a mode for any head/body combination.
However it doesn't work. It kept getting locked in non-mode. so I rem'd it out and just made a button toggle to select modes instead, which I forget to use 1/2 the time. Fixing that pet mode auto-selection would be a great feature.
I would love to add Faloun's automaton weaponskill prediction and equip swapping fit in here. I've read thru his functions, but like I said, I kinda suck at lua.
I really like how Arrchie has cleaned up Faloun's lua (cuz Faloun's was kinda hard to read). but I actually find it harder to test when so much of the generic functionality is not available.
he did an outstanding job.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-12-08 16:32:34
Looks like we all online, I'm trying to test the predict function.
It doesn't recognize my blm pet. Also I like the pet status display box. I like the style of it and transparency in background and easily readable items.
I have another idea that might work well.
What if we took pet mode selection from the name of the saveset from AutoControl addon?
we choose a name, and we just input that name assignments in the lua as a personal customization?
predict function works for tank.
instead of running it manually, may as well run it automatically a set interval after using activate or deus ex automata
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 16:35:23
In Addition: something where the user can do Mote commands for:
Master TP set Cycle (F9)
Master PDT (F10)
Master MDT (F11)
Master Kiting (Toggle) (ALT+F10)
Hybid set (ALT+F9)
Pet: Cycle TP / TP.ACC /ETC.... (F8)
Pet: Cycle PDT / MDT (F7)
Pet: Magic Set <determined by Head & Body Equipped>
Code petModes = {
['Harlequin Head'] = 'Melee',
['Sharpshot Head'] = 'Ranged',
['Valoredge Head'] = 'Tank',
['Stormwaker Frame'] = 'Magic',
['Stormwaker Frame'] = 'Heal',
['Stormwaker Frame'] = 'Nuke'
-- Subset of modes that use magic
magicPetModes = S{'Nuke','Heal','Magic'}
-- Var to track the current pet mode.
state.PetMode = M{['description']='Pet Mode', 'None', 'Melee', 'Ranged', 'Tank', 'Magic', 'Heal', 'Nuke'}
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 16:36:24
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Looks like we all online, I'm trying to test the predict function.
It doesn't recognize my blm pet. Also I like the pet status display box. I like the style of it and transparency in background and easily readable items.
I have another idea that might work well.
What if we took pet mode selection from the name of the saveset from AutoControl addon?
we choose a name, and we just input that name assignments in the lua as a personal customization?
predict function works for tank.
instead of running it manually, may as well run it automatically a set interval after using activate or deus ex automata
As I stated up above: Needs a way to recognize which pet you using by head you equip.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-12-08 16:39:39
This is the table I made to replace mote's head selection table. though, I couldn't make it work right. It might be useful for the predict function.
Code petModes = {
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Ranged',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Heal',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}]= 'Tank',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Tank',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Tank',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Nuke',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Nuke',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee'
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 16:42:37
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »This is the table I made to replace mote's head selection table. though, I couldn't make it work right. It might be useful for the predict function.
Code petModes = {
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Ranged',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Heal',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}]= 'Tank',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Tank',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Tank',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Nuke',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Nuke',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee'
That could work quite well for predict. Should be easy to have this also get called on a activate or deus.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 16:43:01
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »This is the table I made to replace mote's head selection table. though, I couldn't make it work right. It might be useful for the predict function.
Code petModes = {
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Harlequin Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Ranged',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Sharpshot Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Valoredge Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Magic',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Stormwaker Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Heal',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}]= 'Tank',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Tank',
[{'Soulsoother Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Tank',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Stormwaker Frame'}] = 'Nuke',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Harlequin Frame'}] = 'Nuke',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Sharpshot Frame'}] = 'Melee',
[{'Spiritreaver Head', 'Valoredge Frame'}] = 'Melee'
--]] too many >< (only need head for testing but I see where you comming from)
I am actually trying to back-engineer this to my own GS
Adding the parts that I Liked from this GS to my own and see if it works.
Once i get it rdy, i will send you a copy :)
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 16:45:51
Kuroganashi would the array in the PUP_Utility.lua work for your needs? Starts around line 125.
no, I dislike to have (Utility) files all over, would rather be included on same GS (like Xilkk's GS is Code state.OffenseMode:options and something like Falkirk's Pet Selection would be sweet Code state.JugMode = M{['description']='Jug Mode', 'Meaty Broth', 'Airy Broth', 'Livid Broth', 'Saline Broth', 'Bubbly Broth', 'Windy Greens', 'Furious Broth', 'Seedbed Soil'}
JugPet = {name="Meaty Broth"}
send_command('bind ^f7 gs c cycle JugMode')
-- Set up Reward Modes and keybind Ctrl-F8
state.RewardMode = M{['description']='Reward Mode', 'Theta', 'Pet Roborant'}-- 'Eta', 'Zeta', 'Pet Poultice', 'Epsilon'
RewardFood = {name="Pet Food Theta"}--Pet Fd. Epsilon
send_command('bind ^f8 gs c cycle RewardMode')
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I'm interested, I just kinda suck at lua.
the functions I was trying to build in onto the pup lua are to add a Toggle for swapping weapon on or off. Like Falkirk's bst lua, which is where alot of stuff in this lua are taken from.
It works a little when in idle set and mode is selected. but not for when engaged. and it started throwing an error in some circumstatnces.
I also built a table for pet mode selection. I like Mote's selection function, but I think the selection doesn't match gameplay. for example, most pup tanks use soulsouther head w/ valoredge frame. Mote's selection function whould maek this a healing bot, which is most definitely is not.
I tried to build a table that assigns a mode for any head/body combination.
However it doesn't work. It kept getting locked in non-mode. so I rem'd it out and just made a button toggle to select modes instead, which I forget to use 1/2 the time. Fixing that pet mode auto-selection would be a great feature.
I would love to add Faloun's automaton weaponskill prediction and equip swapping fit in here. I've read thru his functions, but like I said, I kinda suck at lua.
I really like how Arrchie has cleaned up Faloun's lua (cuz Faloun's was kinda hard to read). but I actually find it harder to test when so much of the generic functionality is not available.
he did an outstanding job.
We could easily absorb that Utility file into the main gearswap. Shouldn't be an issue.
I'm glad to see this could be very useful for others :D.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 16:48:12
Kuroganashi would the array in the PUP_Utility.lua work for your needs? Starts around line 125.
no, I dislike to have (Utility) files all over, would rather be included on same GS (like Xilkk's GS is Code state.OffenseMode:options and something like Falkirk's Pet Selection would be sweet Code state.JugMode = M{['description']='Jug Mode', 'Meaty Broth', 'Airy Broth', 'Livid Broth', 'Saline Broth', 'Bubbly Broth', 'Windy Greens', 'Furious Broth', 'Seedbed Soil'}
JugPet = {name="Meaty Broth"}
send_command('bind ^f7 gs c cycle JugMode')
-- Set up Reward Modes and keybind Ctrl-F8
state.RewardMode = M{['description']='Reward Mode', 'Theta', 'Pet Roborant'}-- 'Eta', 'Zeta', 'Pet Poultice', 'Epsilon'
RewardFood = {name="Pet Food Theta"}--Pet Fd. Epsilon
send_command('bind ^f8 gs c cycle RewardMode')
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I'm interested, I just kinda suck at lua.
the functions I was trying to build in onto the pup lua are to add a Toggle for swapping weapon on or off. Like Falkirk's bst lua, which is where alot of stuff in this lua are taken from.
It works a little when in idle set and mode is selected. but not for when engaged. and it started throwing an error in some circumstatnces.
I also built a table for pet mode selection. I like Mote's selection function, but I think the selection doesn't match gameplay. for example, most pup tanks use soulsouther head w/ valoredge frame. Mote's selection function whould maek this a healing bot, which is most definitely is not.
I tried to build a table that assigns a mode for any head/body combination.
However it doesn't work. It kept getting locked in non-mode. so I rem'd it out and just made a button toggle to select modes instead, which I forget to use 1/2 the time. Fixing that pet mode auto-selection would be a great feature.
I would love to add Faloun's automaton weaponskill prediction and equip swapping fit in here. I've read thru his functions, but like I said, I kinda suck at lua.
I really like how Arrchie has cleaned up Faloun's lua (cuz Faloun's was kinda hard to read). but I actually find it harder to test when so much of the generic functionality is not available.
he did an outstanding job.
We could easily absorb that Utility file into the main gearswap. Shouldn't be an issue.
I'm glad to see this could be very useful for others :D.
I am hoping that we can come up with a REAL Good "GS" :D
PUP is amazing as it is, imagine once GS is fully functional !!!!!!!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-12-08 16:50:29
yeah, I'm testing the hot keys now.... Using alt and cntrl options for f9 thru f12 all just for pet selection is too cumbersome imo.
its cool to program both mode and style, but do we need/want that?
Do you use different gear from different tank styles? I'm in my pet dt set, and swap in some pet enmity sets and maybe swap in a pet weaponskill set (though for tank mode i do NOT want automatic ws swapping for pet)
I don't see a need for diferentiating between the sytles for tanking. Honestly, I have no need for different master gear for pet pdt vs mdt. I only use a pet dt set. (which I have 53% from gear)
now for dd's you might have a skillchainer or a ws spammer for melee/ranged. I would probably equip a ranged Animator for ranged mode. so styles might be significant here.
for magic there is burst mode and non burst mode, healer and support mode but I'm not going to use different pet gear for idle or engaged, only for precast or midcast mabye. I'll use different automaton attachments.
Rather than having multiple layers of pet mode/style selection, i think it would make more sense to just add more modes like Mote has it. maybe the modes are Tank, WS Spammer, Skillchaner, Ranged, Nuker, Burster, Healer
I would just remove the style designation. Its too complicated to be useful in my opinion, and it will create alot of redundancy in customizing lua to the player.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-12-08 16:57:57
I already adopted falkirk's pet selection into my lua.
its just a toggle selection thru the pet modes.
I tossed it in when i couldn't get the bigger table to work for automatic selection.
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 16:58:02
I have adjusted the first post to link to the new GitHub for this gearswap. That way we can store it in a more easily accessible location.
Adding here as well
Github Link for Gearswap..
I went ahead and condensed this to a single file and got rid of the Utility file that I originally posted. Added the basic keybindings as well. This can now work completely independent. Just makes for a long file. lol
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-12-08 17:07:57
Falkirk's bst lua (which I consider one of the best ever) is over 2k lines.
I have a minor suggestion regarding aliases for augmented gear.
I think calling it Relic_Feet is pretty useless. The next 2 items are a bit better, but still a little redundant and tedious.
I like Falkirk's naming scheme. He names them for what their purpose is. DW_feet; Ready_MAB_feet; Pet_Melee_body
The reason I suggest something similiar is because when you update your lua for your gear, and you say, Hey AF-hands... great... you update to the updated hands, but what are you using them for? Do they still serve that purpose?
hercHeadSTR... well what if I'm using a non herculean piece for STR (presumably weaponskills) ?
The better naming scheme helps you know what gear to update it with and not having to scroll up and down between the alias list and the gear sets list.
I promise there are additional uses for +3 Artifact gear that you wouldn't use artifact +1 gear for.
short version: Better naming helps alot when you update your gear sets later.
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 17:33:09
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »yeah, I'm testing the hot keys now.... Using alt and cntrl options for f9 thru f12 all just for pet selection is too cumbersome imo.
its cool to program both mode and style, but do we need/want that?
Do you use different gear from different tank styles? I'm in my pet dt set, and swap in some pet enmity sets and maybe swap in a pet weaponskill set (though for tank mode i do NOT want automatic ws swapping for pet)
I don't see a need for diferentiating between the sytles for tanking. Honestly, I have no need for different master gear for pet pdt vs mdt. I only use a pet dt set. (which I have 53% from gear)
now for dd's you might have a skillchainer or a ws spammer for melee/ranged. I would probably equip a ranged Animator for ranged mode. so styles might be significant here.
for magic there is burst mode and non burst mode, healer and support mode but I'm not going to use different pet gear for idle or engaged, only for precast or midcast mabye. I'll use different automaton attachments.
Rather than having multiple layers of pet mode/style selection, i think it would make more sense to just add more modes like Mote has it. maybe the modes are Tank, WS Spammer, Skillchaner, Ranged, Nuker, Burster, Healer
I would just remove the style designation. Its too complicated to be useful in my opinion, and it will create alot of redundancy in customizing lua to the player.
It could be useful having the styles, but something worth considering if it is truly needed or not. One use case for different Styles for a tank is when you want to utilize more of a DD style tank and have a gearset that may be stronger on TP/Att over a full-on DT set. Could offer more utility if done correctly, but could be designed in a way to offer the choice of using it or not.
We can test the idea just more modes over picking a style. I simply went with how Faloun had this originally. Something we can easily adjust.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-12-08 17:38:16
It could be useful having the styles, but something worth considering if it is truly needed or not. One use case for different Styles for a tank is when you want to utilize more of a DD style tank and have a gearset that may be stronger on TP/Att over a full-on DT set. Could offer more utility if done correctly, but could be designed in a way to offer the choice of using it or not.
We can test the idea just more modes over picking a style. I simply went with how Faloun had this originally. Something we can easily adjust. You're right. I'm putting it out there to consider. I'm not sure if having mode and style is good or not, but I suggest limiting it to fewer hotkeys.
Let 1 hotkey toggle thru modes and 1 hotkey cycle thru styles. having 12 hotkeys eats up alot of hotkeys for very little functionality.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 17:53:30
I have adjusted the first post to link to the new GitHub for this gearswap. That way we can store it in a more easily accessible location.
Adding here as well
Github Link for Gearswap..
I went ahead and condensed this to a single file and got rid of the Utility file that I originally posted. Added the basic keybindings as well. This can now work completely independent. Just makes for a long file. lol
it does but it be worth
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-12-08 18:02:32
btw just finished checking the version and its identical to what i did + you added utility files onto it.
However, still doesn't fix the issue of not having the ability to Cycle through sets like a normal GS usually does
F9 for TP set
then adding CTRL / ALT
However, this still only has "Pet" sets and not "Master" sets on top of not being able to Cycle through it easily.
Keybinds I made earlier was for testing only, but I would like to make it the common_binds for GS + some custom ones for Cycling the pet modes.
Let me know when u wanna discuss how to best implement this.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-12-08 18:34:41
sets.idle.pet.engaged doesn't appear to equip when I'm in dd / Normal mode/style
By Arrchie 2018-12-08 18:36:49
btw just finished checking the version and its identical to what i did + you added utility files onto it.
However, still doesn't fix the issue of not having the ability to Cycle through sets like a normal GS usually does
F9 for TP set
then adding CTRL / ALT
However, this still only has "Pet" sets and not "Master" sets on top of not being able to Cycle through it easily.
Keybinds I made earlier was for testing only, but I would like to make it the common_binds for GS + some custom ones for Cycling the pet modes.
Let me know when u wanna discuss how to best implement this.
Yep, put together what I had real quick and combined the two then uploaded them and had me some dinner. I've been studying the way that mote's implemented the cycling. It's quite interesting. If you have a way to do that, then just let me know. Otherwise, I'll mimic something to that effect. I do my best to not reinvent the wheel when I can avoid too. :D
Updated: 08/06/2019
Official release can be found here: Offical Releases
Some features:
Informational HUB Window
Auto Maneuvers (Completely Optional. You still have to cast the initial Maneuvers, this just attempts to keep up what you put yourself. You are not locked into anything even if you have turned on this feature, you can simply keep changing at will without this ever activating on its own).
Emergency Lock for Pet DT Set (this will prevent all swaps from happening)
Special Pet Modes and Styles that affect the behavior of the gearswap
Enmity Gear Swapping
Weapon Skill Gear Swapping prior to puppet using the best we can to predict. This also depends on the Pet Mode and Pet Style.
Automation in most areas to help you determine the best Idle Mode, Offense Mode, Hybrid Mode, etc. (Hitting F12 will also help refresh armor in the event something odd happens.)
Special Mode for Trusts when you are engaged, want to focus on pet gear only
For controller users, we do have corresponding commands you can macro!
You can find a current list of the features and plans for improvement on Github for this gearswap:
Offical Releases
Main Stable Gearswap
Main Development Gearswap
Always looking for testers!
Also, feel free to join us on our Discord Channel for discussions, development, testing of this gearswap (all are welcome, don't have to know how to code):
Inivte Link