Gearswap - Boots Wont Swap?

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Gearswap - Boots wont swap?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: OmniKroe
Posts: 1
By Odin.Psykroe 2017-04-05 21:41:54
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As the title says. I have been using this lua for almost a year now and tonight my boots just stopped swapping. Its quite a pain. anyways, here is those code, look at it, try it yourself.. Please leave feedback, or evne better. if you have a skeleton without motes.
-- (Original: Motenten / Modified: Arislan)

--[[	Custom Features:
		Step Selector		Cycle through available primary and secondary step types,
							and trigger with a single macro
		Haste Detection		Detects current magic haste level and equips corresponding engaged set to
							optimize delay reduction (automatic)
		Haste Mode			Toggles between Haste II and Haste I recieved, used by Haste Detection [WinKey-H]
		Capacity Pts. Mode	Capacity Points Mode Toggle [WinKey-C]
		Reive Detection		Automatically equips Reive bonus gear
		Auto. Lockstyle		Automatically locks specified equipset on file load


	Custom step commands:
	gs c step
		Uses the currently configured step on the target, with either <t> or <stnpc> depending on setting.
	gs c step t
		Uses the currently configured step on the target, but forces use of <t>.
	Configuration commands:
	gs c cycle mainstep
		Cycles through the available steps to use as the primary step when using one of the above commands.
	gs c cycle altstep
		Cycles through the available steps to use for alternating with the configured main step.
	gs c toggle usealtstep
		Toggles whether or not to use an alternate step.
	gs c toggle selectsteptarget
		Toggles whether or not to use <stnpc> (as opposed to <t>) when using a step.

-- Setup functions for this job.  Generally should not be modified.

-- Initialization function for this job file.
function get_sets()
	mote_include_version = 2
	-- Load and initialize the include file.

-- Setup vars that are user-independent.  state.Buff vars initialized here will automatically be tracked.
function job_setup()
	state.Buff['Climactic Flourish'] = buffactive['climactic flourish'] or false

	state.MainStep = M{['description']='Main Step', 'Box Step', 'Quickstep', 'Feather Step', 'Stutter Step'}
	state.AltStep = M{['description']='Alt Step', 'Quickstep', 'Feather Step', 'Stutter Step', 'Box Step'}
	state.UseAltStep = M(false, 'Use Alt Step')
	state.SelectStepTarget = M(false, 'Select Step Target')
	state.IgnoreTargetting = M(false, 'Ignore Targetting')
	state.HasteMode = M{['description']='Haste Mode', 'Haste II', 'Haste I'}
	state.CurrentStep = M{['description']='Current Step', 'Main', 'Alt'}
	state.SkillchainPending = M(false, 'Skillchain Pending')

	state.CP = M(false, "Capacity Points Mode")


-- User setup functions for this job.  Recommend that these be overridden in a sidecar file.

-- Setup vars that are user-dependent.  Can override this function in a sidecar file.
function user_setup()
	state.OffenseMode:options('STP', 'Normal', 'LowAcc', 'MidAcc', 'HighAcc')
	state.WeaponskillMode:options('Normal', 'Acc')
	state.IdleMode:options('Normal', 'DT')
	-- Additional local binds
	send_command('bind ^- gs c cycleback mainstep')
	send_command('bind ^= gs c cycle mainstep')
	send_command('bind !- gs c cycleback altstep')
	send_command('bind != gs c cycle altstep')
	send_command('bind !p gs c toggle usealtstep')
	send_command('bind ^` input /ja "Saber Dance" <me>')
	send_command('bind !` input /ja "Chocobo Jig II" <me>')
	send_command('bind ^, input /ja "Spectral Jig" <me>')
	send_command('unbind ^.')
	send_command('bind @h gs c cycle HasteMode')
	send_command('bind @c gs c toggle CP')


-- Called when this job file is unloaded (eg: job change)
function user_unload()
	send_command('unbind ^-')
	send_command('unbind ^=')
	send_command('unbind !-')
	send_command('unbind !=')
	send_command('unbind !p')
	send_command('unbind ^`')
	send_command('unbind !`')
	send_command('unbind ^,')
	send_command('unbind @h')
	send_command('unbind @c')

-- Define sets and vars used by this job file.
function init_gear_sets()
	-- Start defining the sets
	-- Enmity set
	sets.Enmity = {}
	-- Job Ability Sets

	sets.precast.JA['Provoke'] = sets.Enmity

	sets.precast.JA['No Foot Rise'] = {
		body="Horos Casaque +1"

	sets.precast.JA['Trance'] = {
		head="Horos Tiara"
	sets.precast.Waltz = {
		head="Horos Tiara",
		body="Dancer's Casaque",
		hands="Slither Gloves +1",
		legs="Horos Tights +1",
		feet="Maxixi Shoes +1",
		ear1="Roundel Earring",
		ring1="Asklepian Ring",
		ring2="Valseur's Ring",
		back="Toetapper Mantle",
		waist="Gishdubar Sash",
		} -- Waltz Potency
	sets.precast.Waltz['Healing Waltz'] = {}
	sets.precast.Samba = {head="Maxixi Tiara +1"}
	sets.precast.Jig = {legs="Horos Tights +1", feet="Dancer's toe shoes"}

	sets.precast.Step = {
		head="Mummu bonnet +1",
		body="Adhemar jacket", 
		hands="Mummu wrists +1",
		legs="Mummu kecks +1",
		feet="Herculean boots", 
		neck="Ej necklace", 
		ear1="Mache earring",
		ear2="Mache earring",
		ring1="Chirich ring",
		ring2="Chirich Ring",
		back="Senuna's mantle",
		waist="Chaac belt", 

	sets.precast.Step['Feather Step'] = set_combine(sets.precast.Step, {feet="Macu. Toeshoes +1"})

	sets.precast.Flourish1 = {}
	sets.precast.Flourish1['Animated Flourish'] = sets.Enmity

	sets.precast.Flourish1['Violent Flourish'] = {
		head="Dampening Tam",
		body="Samnuha Coat",
		hands="Leyline Gloves",
		legs="Horos Tights +1",
		ear1="Digni. Earring",
		ear2="Hermetic Earring",
		ring2="Weather. Ring",
		} -- Magic Accuracy
	sets.precast.Flourish1['Desperate Flourish'] = {
		ammo="Charis Feather",
		head="Meghanada Visor +1",
		neck="Combatant's Torque",
		ear1="Mache Earring",
		ear2="Telos Earring",
		ring1="Ramuh Ring +1",
		ring2="Ramuh Ring +1",
		} -- Accuracy

	sets.precast.Flourish2 = {}
	sets.precast.Flourish2['Reverse Flourish'] = {
		hands="Macu. Bangles +1",
		back="Toetapper Mantle",

	sets.precast.Flourish3 = {}
	sets.precast.Flourish3['Striking Flourish'] = {body="Macu. Casaque +1"}
	sets.precast.Flourish3['Climactic Flourish'] = {head="Maculele Tiara +1",}
	sets.precast.FC = {
		ammo="Sapience Orb",
		body="Taeon Tabard", --9
		hands="Leyline Gloves", --7
		legs="Rawhide Trousers", --5
		neck="Orunmila's Torque", --5
		ear1="Loquacious Earring", --2
		ear2="Etiolation Earring", --1
		ring1="Prolix Ring", --2
		ring2="Weather. Ring", --5(3)
		waist="Ninurta's Sash",

	sets.precast.FC.Utsusemi = set_combine(sets.precast.FC, {
		neck="Magoraga Beads",
		ring1="Lebeche Ring",
		waist="Ninurta's Sash",
	-- Weapon Skill Sets
	sets.precast.WS = {
		ammo="Charis feather",
		head="Adhemar bonnet",
		body="Adhemar jacket",
		hands="Adhemar wristbands",
		legs="Lustratio subligar +1",
		feet="Lustratio leggings +1",
		neck="Shadow gorget",
		ear1="Mache Earring",
		ear2="Mache Earring",
		ring1="Ramuh Ring +1",
		ring2="Ramuh Ring +1",
		back="Senuna's mantle",
		waist="Fotia Belt",
		} -- default set
	sets.precast.WS.Acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
	sets.precast.WS['Exenterator'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
	sets.precast.WS['Exenterator'].Acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Exenterator'], {

	sets.precast.WS['Pyrrhic Kleos'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {		
		ammo="Potestas bomblet",
		head="Lustratio cap",
		body="Adhemar jacket",
		hands="Adhemar wristbands",
		legs="Lustratio subligar +1",
		feet="Lustratio leggings +1",
		neck="Shadow gorget",
		ear1="Mache Earring",
		ear2="Mache Earring",
		ring1="Apate Ring",
		ring2="Rajas Ring",
		back="Senuna's mantle",
		waist="Fotia Belt",
	sets.precast.WS['Pyrrhic Kleos'].Acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Pyrrhic Kleos'], {

	sets.precast.WS['Evisceration'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {		
		ammo="Charis feather",
		head="Adhemar bonnet",
		body="Adhemar jacket",
		hands="Adhemar wristbands",
		legs="Lustratio subligar +1",
		feet="Lustratio leggings +1",
		neck="Shadow gorget",
		ear1="Mache Earring",
		ear2="Mache Earring",
		ring1="Ramuh Ring +1",
		ring2="Ramuh Ring +1",
		back="Senuna's mantle",
		waist="Fotia Belt",

	sets.precast.WS['Evisceration'].Acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Evisceration'], {

	sets.precast.WS["Rudra's Storm"] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
		ammo="Charis feather",
		head="Adhemar bonnet",
		body="Herculean Vest",
		hands="Adhemar wristbands",
		legs="Lustratio subligar +1",
		feet="Lustratio leggings +1",
		neck="Caro necklace",
		ear1="Moonshade Earring",
		ear2="Ishvara Earring",
		ring1="Ramuh Ring +1",
		ring2="Ramuh Ring +1",
		back="Senuna's mantle",
		waist="Grunfeld rope",

	sets.precast.WS["Rudra's Storm"].Acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS["Rudra's Storm"], {})

	sets.precast.WS['Aeolian Edge'] = {
		head="Herculean helm",
		feet="Herculean boots",
		neck="Voltsurge torque",
		ear1="Novio Earring",
		ear2="Friomisi Earring",
		ring1="Shiva Ring +1",
		ring2="Acumen Ring",
		back="Toro cape",
		waist="Fotia belt",
	sets.precast.Skillchain = {
		hands="Macu. Bangles +1",
	sets.midcast.FastRecast = {
		ear1="Loquacious Earring",
		ear2="Etiolation Earring",
	-- Specific spells
	sets.midcast.Utsusemi = {
		ear2="Loquacious Earring",
		waist="Ninurta's Sash",

	-- Sets to return to when not performing an action.
	-- Resting sets
	sets.resting = {}

	-- Idle sets

	sets.idle = {
		ammo="Staunch Tathlum",
		head="Ocelomeh headpiece",
		body="Mekosu. Harness",
		hands="Umuthi gloves",
		legs="Mummu kecks +1",
		feet="Skd. Jambeaux +1",
		neck="Loricate torque +1",
		ear1="Odnowa Earring +1",
		ear2="Odnowa Earring",
		ring1="Chirich Ring",
		ring2="Defending Ring",
		back="Aptitude mantle +1",

	sets.idle.DT = set_combine (sets.idle, {})

	sets.idle.Town = set_combine (sets.idle, {
	sets.idle.Weak = sets.idle.DT
	-- Defense sets

	sets.defense.PDT = sets.idle.DT
	sets.defense.MDT = sets.idle.DT

	sets.Kiting = {
		feet="Skd. Jambeaux +1",

	-- Engaged sets

	-- Variations for TP weapon and (optional) offense/defense modes.  Code will fall back on previous
	-- sets if more refined versions aren't defined.
	-- If you create a set with both offense and defense modes, the offense mode should be first.
	-- EG: sets.engaged.Dagger.Accuracy.Evasion

	-- * DNC Native DW Trait: 30% DW
	-- * DNC Job Points DW Gift: 5% DW
	-- No Magic Haste (74% DW to cap)
	sets.engaged = {
		head="Dampening Tam",
		body="Adhemar jacket", 
		hands="Adhemar wristbands",
		legs="Herculean trousers",
		feet="Herculean boots", 
		neck="Lissome Necklace", 
		ear1="Cessance earring",
		ear2="Telos earring",
		ring1="Chirich ring",
		ring2="Epona's Ring",
		back="Senuna's mantle",
		waist="windbuffet belt +1", 

	sets.engaged.LowAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged, {
		head="Adhemar bonnet",
		body="Adhemar jacket", 
		hands="Adhemar wristbands",
		legs="Samnuha tights",
		feet="Qaaxo leggings", 
		neck="Asperity necklace", 
		ear1="Cessance earring",
		ear2="Telos earring",
		ring1="Petrov ring",
		ring2="Rajas Ring",
		back="Senuna's mantle",
		waist="Windbuffet belt +1", 

	sets.engaged.MidAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.LowAcc, {
		head="Dampening Tam",
		body="Adhemar jacket", 
		hands="Adhemar wristbands",
		legs="Herculean trousers",
		feet="Herculean boots", 
		neck="Lissome Necklace", 
		ear1="Cessance earring",
		ear2="Telos earring",
		ring1="Petrov ring",
		ring2="Epona's Ring",
		back="Senuna's mantle",
		waist="Windbuffet belt +1", 

	sets.engaged.HighAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.MidAcc, {
		head="Mummu bonnet +1",
		body="Adhemar jacket", 
		hands="Mummu wrists +1",
		legs="Mummu kecks +1",
		feet="Herculean boots", 
		neck="Ej necklace", 
		ear1="Cessance earring",
		ear2="Telos earring",
		ring1="Chirich ring",
		ring2="Chirich Ring",
		back="Senuna's mantle",
		waist="Hurch'lan sash", 

	sets.engaged.STP = set_combine(sets.engaged, {

	-- 15% Magic Haste (67% DW to cap)
	sets.engaged.LowHaste = set_combine(sets.engaged, {}) -- 30%

	sets.engaged.LowHaste.LowAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.LowAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.LowHaste.MidAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.MidAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.LowHaste.HighAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.HighAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.LowHaste.STP = set_combine(sets.engaged.LowHaste, {})

	-- 30% Magic Haste (56% DW to cap)
	sets.engaged.MidHaste = set_combine(sets.engaged, {}) -- 19%

	sets.engaged.MidHaste.LowAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.LowAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.MidHaste.MidAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.MidAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.MidHaste.HighAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.HighAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.MidHaste.STP = set_combine(sets.engaged.MidHaste, {})

	-- 35% Magic Haste (51% DW to cap)
	sets.engaged.HighHaste = set_combine(sets.engaged, {}) -- 14% Gear

	sets.engaged.HighHaste.LowAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.LowAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.HighHaste.MidAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.MidAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.HighHaste.HighAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.HighAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.HighHaste.STP = set_combine(sets.engaged.HighHaste, {})

	-- 47% Magic Haste (36% DW to cap)
	sets.engaged.MaxHaste = {} -- 0%

	sets.engaged.MaxHaste.LowAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.MaxHaste, {})

	sets.engaged.MaxHaste.MidAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.MaxHaste.LowAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.MaxHaste.HighAcc = set_combine(sets.engaged.MaxHaste.MidAcc, {})

	sets.engaged.MaxHaste.STP = set_combine(sets.engaged.MaxHaste, {})

	-- Buff sets: Gear that needs to be worn to actively enhance a current player buff.
	sets.buff['Saber Dance'] = {legs=""}
	sets.buff['Fan Dance'] = {body=""}
	sets.buff['Climactic Flourish'] = {head="Maculele Tiara +1"}
	sets.CP = {back="Aptitude mantle +1"}
	sets.Reive = {neck="Ygnas's Resolve +1"}


-- Job-specific hooks for standard casting events.

-- Set eventArgs.handled to true if we don't want any automatic gear equipping to be done.
-- Set eventArgs.useMidcastGear to true if we want midcast gear equipped on precast.
function job_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)

function job_post_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
	if spell.type == "WeaponSkill" then
		if state.Buff['Climactic Flourish'] then
			equip(sets.buff['Climactic Flourish'])
		if state.SkillchainPending.value == true then

-- Return true if we handled the aftercast work.  Otherwise it will fall back
-- to the general aftercast() code in Mote-Include.
function job_aftercast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
	if not spell.interrupted then
		if spell.english == "Wild Flourish" then
			send_command('wait 5;gs c unset SkillchainPending')
		elseif spell.type:lower() == "weaponskill" then
			send_command('wait 6;gs c unset SkillchainPending')

-- Job-specific hooks for non-casting events.

-- Called when a player gains or loses a buff.
-- buff == buff gained or lost
-- gain == true if the buff was gained, false if it was lost.
function job_buff_change(buff,gain)
	-- If we gain or lose any haste buffs, adjust which gear set we target.
	if S{'haste', 'march', 'mighty guard', 'embrava', 'haste samba', 'geo-haste', 'indi-haste'}:contains(buff:lower()) then
		if not midaction() then
	elseif buff == 'Saber Dance' or buff == 'Climactic Flourish' or buff == 'Fan Dance' then
	if buffactive['Reive Mark'] then

function job_status_change(new_status, old_status)
	if new_status == 'Engaged' then

-- User code that supplements standard library decisions.

-- Called by the default 'update' self-command.
function job_update(cmdParams, eventArgs)

function customize_idle_set(idleSet)
	if player.hpp < 80 and not areas.Cities:contains(world.area) then
		idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.ExtraRegen)
	if state.CP.current == 'on' then
	return idleSet

function customize_melee_set(meleeSet)
	if state.DefenseMode.value ~= 'None' then
		if buffactive['saber dance'] then
			meleeSet = set_combine(meleeSet, sets.buff['Saber Dance'])
		if state.Buff['Climactic Flourish'] then
			meleeSet = set_combine(meleeSet, sets.buff['Climactic Flourish'])
	return meleeSet

-- Handle auto-targetting based on local setup.
function job_auto_change_target(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
	if spell.type == 'Step' then
		if state.IgnoreTargetting.value == true then
			eventArgs.handled = true
		eventArgs.SelectNPCTargets = state.SelectStepTarget.value

-- Function to display the current relevant user state when doing an update.
-- Set eventArgs.handled to true if display was handled, and you don't want the default info shown.
function display_current_job_state(eventArgs)
	local msg = '[ Melee'
	if state.CombatForm.has_value then
		msg = msg .. ' (' .. state.CombatForm.value .. ')'
	msg = msg .. ': '
	msg = msg .. state.OffenseMode.value
	if state.HybridMode.value ~= 'Normal' then
		msg = msg .. '/' .. state.HybridMode.value
	msg = msg .. ' ][ WS: ' .. state.WeaponskillMode.value .. ' ]'
	if state.DefenseMode.value ~= 'None' then
		msg = msg .. '[ Defense: ' .. state.DefenseMode.value .. state[state.DefenseMode.value .. 'DefenseMode'].value .. ' ]'

	msg = msg .. '[ ' .. state.HasteMode.value .. ' ]'
	if state.Kiting.value then
		msg = msg .. '[ Kiting Mode: ON ]'

	msg = msg .. '[ *'..state.MainStep.current

	if state.UseAltStep.value == true then
		msg = msg .. '/'..state.AltStep.current
	msg = msg .. '* ]'

	add_to_chat(060, msg)

	eventArgs.handled = true

-- User self-commands.

-- Called for custom player commands.
function job_self_command(cmdParams, eventArgs)
	if cmdParams[1] == 'step' then
		if cmdParams[2] == 't' then

		local doStep = ''
		if state.UseAltStep.value == true then
			doStep = state[state.CurrentStep.current..'Step'].current
			doStep = state.MainStep.current
		send_command('@input /ja "'..doStep..'" <t>')

-- Utility functions specific to this job.

function determine_haste_group()

	-- Gearswap can't detect the difference between Haste I and Haste II
	-- so use winkey-H to manually set Haste spell level.

	-- Haste (buffactive[33]) - 15%
	-- Haste II (buffactive[33]) - 30%
	-- Haste Samba - 5%/10%
	-- Victory March +0/+3/+4/+5	9.4%/14%/15.6%/17.1%
	-- Advancing March +0/+3/+4/+5  6.3%/10.9%/12.5%/14% 
	-- Embrava - 30%
	-- Mighty Guard (buffactive[604]) - 15%
	-- Geo-Haste (buffactive[580]) - 40%


	if state.HasteMode.value == 'Haste II' then
		if(((buffactive[33] or buffactive[580] or buffactive.embrava) and (buffactive.march or buffactive[604])) or
			(buffactive[33] and (buffactive[580] or buffactive.embrava)) or
			(buffactive.march == 2 and buffactive[604])) then
			--add_to_chat(215, '---------- <<<< | Magic Haste Level: 43% | >>>> ----------')
		elseif ((buffactive[33] or buffactive.march == 2 or buffactive[580]) and buffactive['haste samba']) then
			--add_to_chat(004, '---------- <<<< | Magic Haste Level: 35% | >>>> ----------')
		elseif ((buffactive[580] or buffactive[33] or buffactive.march == 2) or
			(buffactive.march == 1 and buffactive[604])) then
			--add_to_chat(008, '---------- <<<< | Magic Haste Level: 30% | >>>> ----------')
		elseif (buffactive.march == 1 or buffactive[604]) then
			--add_to_chat(007, '---------- <<<< | Magic Haste Level: 15% | >>>> ----------')
		if (buffactive[580] and ( buffactive.march or buffactive[33] or buffactive.embrava or buffactive[604]) ) or
			(buffactive.embrava and (buffactive.march or buffactive[33] or buffactive[604])) or
			(buffactive.march == 2 and (buffactive[33] or buffactive[604])) or
			(buffactive[33] and buffactive[604] and buffactive.march ) then
			--add_to_chat(215, '---------- <<<< | Magic Haste Level: 43% | >>>> ----------')
		elseif ((buffactive[604] or buffactive[33]) and buffactive['haste samba'] and buffactive.march == 1) or
			(buffactive.march == 2 and buffactive['haste samba']) or
			(buffactive[580] and buffactive['haste samba'] ) then
			--add_to_chat(004, '---------- <<<< | Magic Haste Level: 35% | >>>> ----------')
		elseif (buffactive.march == 2 ) or
			((buffactive[33] or buffactive[604]) and buffactive.march == 1 ) or  -- MG or haste + 1 march
			(buffactive[580] ) or  -- geo haste
			(buffactive[33] and buffactive[604]) then
			--add_to_chat(008, '---------- <<<< | Magic Haste Level: 30% | >>>> ----------')
		elseif buffactive[33] or buffactive[604] or buffactive.march == 1 then
			--add_to_chat(007, '---------- <<<< | Magic Haste Level: 15% | >>>> ----------')

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-04-05 22:19:27
Link | Quote | Reply
Are you able to reload gearswap and get it back to swapping the boots?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: speedyjim
Posts: 177
By Odin.Speedyjim 2017-04-05 23:15:51
Link | Quote | Reply
Are you saying every single set and every single pair of boots will not equip? Are you confirming this with //gs showswaps? Have you accidentally disabled feet from swapping, like from another job's lua?
Posts: 77
By sudsi 2017-04-05 23:19:35
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yeah i've had a similar issue with gs where only a couple slots where affected. reloading gs fixed the issue.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2017-04-05 23:35:15
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sudsi said: »
yeah i've had a similar issue with gs where only a couple slots where affected. reloading gs fixed the issue.

Yeah, this seems to happen to me on certain zones, mostly say Merit BCNM's where I'm mid-swap when the fight ends (spamming WS button and it dies) and then the boots and maybe some other pieces won't swap. Reloading fixes it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2017-04-06 07:18:19
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That's my lua, and I can confirm that the feet swap.

A lua that was working fine doesn't just break itself. Problem is usually on the user end (syntax, item not in inventory/wardrobe, packet loss, addon/resources need to be refreshed, etc).

Here's the latest version of the lua... maybe it'll solve your problems:
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: bitchtits
Posts: 241
By Cerberus.Mrkillface 2017-04-06 10:26:40
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If I had to guess, I'd say this:

sets.engaged.MaxHaste = {} -- 0%

SHould be this:
sets.engaged.MaxHaste = set_combine(sets.engaged, {}) -- 0% Gear
Posts: 70
By OmniKroe 2017-04-06 17:41:26
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Odin.Speedyjim said: »
Are you saying every single set and every single pair of boots will not equip? Are you confirming this with //gs showswaps? Have you accidentally disabled feet from swapping, like from another job's lua?
Yes every single pair.

Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Are you able to reload gearswap and get it back to swapping the boots?
No reloading it hasnt fixed my problem, i changed the code a lot and reloaded it every change to test as well.

Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
sudsi said: »
yeah i've had a similar issue with gs where only a couple slots where affected. reloading gs fixed the issue.

Yeah, this seems to happen to me on certain zones, mostly say Merit BCNM's where I'm mid-swap when the fight ends (spamming WS button and it dies) and then the boots and maybe some other pieces won't swap. Reloading fixes it.

I first noticed it helping someone kill a adoulin mission nm, Then i tested it in SR, Escha ru'aun, Dho gates, Sauramongue campaign as well as ronfaure it doesnt work no matter what.

Shiva.Arislan said: »
That's my lua, and I can confirm that the feet swap.

A lua that was working fine doesn't just break itself. Problem is usually on the user end (syntax, item not in inventory/wardrobe, packet loss, addon/resources need to be refreshed, etc).

Here's the latest version of the lua... maybe it'll solve your problems:

Thank you i will try it
Posts: 70
By OmniKroe 2017-04-06 17:44:02
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Cerberus.Mrkillface said: »
If I had to guess, I'd say this:

sets.engaged.MaxHaste = {} -- 0%

SHould be this:
sets.engaged.MaxHaste = set_combine(sets.engaged, {}) -- 0% Gear

Woudlnt that only affect if i was at said max haste tho? I changed it and im going to test it right now.
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